Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ transmission on Christmas eve 24-12-2016 PA1SSB report

  • Creator
  • #5453 Reply
    Mark van DommelenMark van Dommelen

    This morning I received the SAQ station in Grimeton at UTC 8.00 hour on 17.2 Khz.
    The signal was not very loud at my QTH in the south part of the Netherlands near the Belgium border in the city of Baarle Nassau (Netherlands).
    I can give a report of RST 559. Thanks for the great transmission and keep up the good work on the wonderful SAQ Grimeton station!!
    Could you please send me a QSL card by the buro? I would be very grateful to have it

    Best regards
    Mark van Dommelen PA1SSB

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  • Author
    • #5466 Reply
      Hans Nilsson

      Hello !
      Received the Christmas eve transmission without any problem.
      Used equipment: active antenna, VLF converter and an ICOM R71 receiver.
      Look forward to hear the next transmission in July.
      RST 559

    • #5456 Reply
      Antonio MusuemciIK1HGI Antonio

      Anche quest’anno 2016 Natale ho partecipato ascolto sui 17,2 khz con la canna da pesca utilizzata per le mie trasmissione sui 137khz 472khz onde lunghe
      73 Antonio ik1hgi Cerano (pr. Novara).

    • #5455 Reply
      Helmut OE6IEG

      I received SAQ on 24.12.2016, 08:00 UTC in Graz, Austria – JN77RA. I had very heavy local QRM. So my report is 389. I use a Kenwood TS940 with CW filter and a up-converter to 10 MHz with a TCA440. The antenna was 42 m slooper. TNX for transmission and all the best for 2017. I would enjoy a QSL via HAM burau.

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