Alexander Grimeton Friendship Association a non-profit organization founded in 1996. The association’s purpose is to preserve, document and display the unique Alexanderson alternator at the old radio station in Grimeton, Sweden.

The Alexander Grimeton Friendship Association was formed by former employees at the radio station as well as by people interested in industrial and cultural history to preserve and bring to life the older technology. The main driving force for the association has been to preserve the old long-wave transmitter. This work was initially carried out in close collaboration with e.g. Telia, the County Administrative Board of Halland County and the municipality of Varberg. In recent years, World Heritage Grimeton has been our partner.
The facility was declared a listed building in October 1996. The station was named “Industrial Memorial of the Year” for 1997. The designation of Grimeton’s World Heritage Station on the UNESCO World Heritage List in July 2004 is naturally the highlight of the Friends Association Alexander. The long-wave transmitter is today the only one of its kind in the world and also in drivable condition!
In study circles and working groups, the knowledge for operation and maintenance of transmitters and machines is continued.
We welcome you as a member to actively support our business as well as passively.