The board of the Alexander association
Chairman of the board | Fredrik Wiklund |
Deputy chairman | Jan-Åke Gylling |
Secretary | Anders Törblad |
Commissioners | Thomas Alexandersson, Robert Petersson, Kai Sundberg, Lars Fredlund |
Nomination committe | Ola Hernvall, Hans Nilsson, John Strandberg |
Co-opted commissioners | Alf Urbath, Hans Nilsson, Jan Steinbach, John Strandberg, Kent Lyngåker |
Auditors | Barbro Alvarsson, Bertil Bertilsson |
Contact form:

Alexander – GVV
Radiostationen Grimeton 72
SE-432 98 Grimeton, Sweden
Bankgiro 402-1473 Alexander GVV
IBAN: SE28 8000 0838 8100 4205 213