Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Alexanderson Day 2017 Cancelled Transmission

  • Creator
  • #5786 Reply
    Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

    We regret to announce that the scheduled transmissions on Alexanderson Day, July 2nd 2017, with the old Alexanderson alternator SAQ on VLF17.2 kHz, at the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station, Sweden has been cancelled, due to ongoing maintenance work.

    The Alexanderson Day will offer an exiting range of activities (details will follow), including two startups of the Alexanderson alternator, including a local, not aired transmission at the following times:
    – Startup @10.30 (08.30 UTC) with a local message @11.00 (09.00 UTC).
    – Startup @13.30 (11.30 UTC) with a local message @14.00 (12.00 UTC).

    Both of these startups will be streamed on our YouTube Channel. No QSL-cards will be given this time and no list of Reports will be constructed but we look forward to your comments and stories (images appreciated) to info@alexander.n.se.

    Please also feel free to share you thoughts and comments here in the forum.

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  • Author
    • #6116 Reply
      Allen RazdowAllen Razdow

      Looking forward to receiving your signals on 1-July-2018. We are in Boston Massachusetts, and visited Grimeton Station April 2017.

    • #5825 Reply
      Eddy ON5JK

      I’ve been listening twice every year with my home-made tuned loop-antenna, together with SPECLAB running on the PC.
      Input from the loop straight to the soundcard.
      I t was always a cristalclear transmission.
      Let’s hope the transmission on Xmas eve will happen.
      Eddy ON5JK

    • #5812 Reply

      Yes, they will not transmit. Just run the alternator

    • #5810 Reply
      Laszlo NyitraiLaszlo Nyitrai

      Hello!, for about 10 years ago, I´m found this Reciver , MURPHY B 41 ( 15 – 640 Khz ) ( I Was Bought cheap in the Swedish Way of “E-Bay” ( ” http://www.tradera.com” They just stated as “U – Bout reciver” ( ” As It Is” ) , but no more an a few was bidden, så I got it för ( What at it WAS WERY CHEAP” ) , ????,,,,,I Diden´t get more
      than 15 – 50 ( “L” ) ( GBP ) , For it, I have the orginal manual ( Service / Instrucktion????? ) whatever at vhat i nowdays skeen, IT VAS A BARGIN!!!, O.k the tube EF 22 / ( CV 303 ) But There is qite common, , Because almost none searc after those,,,,,,,,,,,They are No “HI FI” Tubes!!!!!, It Vas after i found this forum, I got intresd in my reciver, I Will restore it, because it always complete, Just to have get the tubes and “Fix” a power supply For it., and i want for a suiteble antenna for Reciving “GRIMMETON” ( next time they will send ) / Regards Laszlo

    • #5809 Reply
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Dear Laszlo,
      Yes, this is correct. Unfortunately, on this year ‘s Alexanderson Day, we are unable to air any transmission, due to maintenance. There will be start-ups of the Alexanderson alternator which can be monitored live on our YouTube channel. See more information on http://www.alexander.n.se


    • #5808 Reply
      Laszlo NyitraiLaszlo Nyitrai

      So O.k, , If i understand it rigtht, The vill start up the “Alternator”, Just they do it, BUT THEY NOT TRANSMIT Anything, Due To The Works?,
      Have i the Righit?? ( At The “ALEXANDERSSON DAY ” ( 2017 -07 -02 ) / Laszlo

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