Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions More about VLF converters

  • Creator
  • #6908 Reply
    Juan Jose de OñateM0WWA

    In order to receive the Grimeton SAQ transmissions I am using the Flex-1500 together an active whip antenna and the VLF-LF-MF band up-converter from Heros technology.
    Occasionally I use too my old Trio TS-830S working in parallel with the Flex radio for so the IF output of the VLF converter is derived to the antenna input of booth radios by means of a signal splitter device. The system works fine on all the VLF to MF spectrum covered by the converter.
    73 de M0WWA

    Receiving SAQ

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  • Author
    • #8082 Reply
      dj1wfWilfried, DJ1WF

      I am using a homebrew and homebuilt converter, no commercial stuff. In this converter there is a very high impedance amplifier included, so that a short rod antenna around 30cm is enough to pick up SAQ with good SNR. With a 1m rod it becomes much louder 😀

    • #7680 Reply
      F5VLBJean-Marie POLARD F5VLB

      I am using several up converters from SV1AFN (look on google). There is one for use with SDR, with a gpsdo entry. Good products !

      I use also earth probe antenna…. https://www.facebook.com/groups/earthprobes/

      Good listening the 30th

    • #7534 Reply
      George I1UP

      I am using DATONG converter with a FT1000MP and using a HF Antenna normally used for trafic on HF bands.

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