Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Quest in the Far West for SAQ

  • Creator
  • #3700 Reply
    Bart Lee, K6VK, CHRS, AWA

    To the devoted radiomen at SAQ,

    Out here in California, SAQ is quite a challenge. Bengt Svensson and I have enjoyed radio sites in Europe and the US. He helped us identify some parts of the ruins of KPH / KET here in Northern California as parts of the Alexanderson Alternator antenna system that can still be seen, operational, at SAQ. Our continuing quest has been energized by his recent article in the Antique Wireless Association Review. We find the schematic diagram fascinating and thought provoking. To update him, I sent him the following message, about our work towards a Merry Christmas Eve, in the details of which perhaps SAQ radiomen and your VLF monitors may be interested:

    Dear Bengt,

    I write again to update you on our progress in our annual California Historical Radio Society quest to receive SAQ. At least four of us are involved this year, with counsel from Paul Shin, CHRS, MRHS, who managed it a while back and got the SAQ QSL card. Our VLF teams is

    John Stuart, P.E., KM6QX
    John Staples, PhD, W6BM (on our SAQ expedition to Mt Shinn a couple of years ago)
    Dennis Monticelli, electronics engineer in Silicon Valley, AE6C.

    Equipment varies: SDRs (Stuart and Monticelli use a Flex Radio, I use a WinRadio). Staples uses a R-389 that Glows in the Dark. Paul Shinn used a R-390 and a converter. Antennas vary. The Pixel Loop works well for Stuart. Staples uses an unshielded big loop. I use a shielded Very Large Loop (60 sq m capture area, but it works better as an e-field probe).

    Both Stuart and I recently logged the Russian RDL on 21.1 MHz, so weak signals are possible out here in the Far West. We regularly log the US Navy station NWC in Western Australia on 19.8 KHz.


    de Bart, Lee, K6VK ##

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  • Author
    • #3704 Reply
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Dear Bart,
      We are exited to hear about your efforts to receive SAQ far away in California and we will do our very best to get the signals over to you.
      Don’t miss the live video broadcast of the SAQ transmission, here on alexander.n.se.

      Fredrik /AlexanderSAQ

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