Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ transmission on October 24th 2020 (NOT FOR QSL)

  • Creator
  • #8651 Reply
    Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

    More information about the transmission
    The transmission is on 17,2 kHz CW.
    Startup of the transmitter around 16.30 UTC
    Transmission of a message at 17.00 UTC

    *The world heritage site Grimeton is a living cultural heritage. All transmissions with the long-wave transmitter SAQ are therefore preliminary and may be cancelled with short notice.

Viewing 8 reply threads
  • Author
    • #8773 Reply
      Wojciech SP5SMK

      This time the signal was relatively weak and with SNR around 10dB. Howewer after additional amplification and filtering of the recorded signal I was able to decode all transmission. Reception site was Milanówek, 25km SW from Warsaw, Poland. Receiver was standalone with conversion from 17.2 to 0.8 kHz and ferrite rod antenna.
      Wojciech SP5SMK

    • #8661 Reply
      Manuel LausmannManuel Lausmann

      Strong signal received near Frankfurt am Main in the middle of Germany

    • #8659 Reply
      Rabbe FogelholmRabbe Fogelholm

      Outdoor recording in Sollentuna, Sweden, JO89xk. Very damp weather and less-than-ideal antenna. Capture of the SAQ signal made directly with Audacity on laptop and exported as 44100 samples/s 16-bit mono WAV file.

      Offline analysis of the WAV file indicates that SAQ was sending at 17206 Hz?

      Using the very versatile HDSDR program (www.hdsdr.de) in CW mode I was able to write down the message of the day, after really many listenings due to poor S/N ratio. A lot of fun; thanks to all who made this possible!

    • #8658 Reply
      Jens Romeikat

      reception in nothern-germany (500 km distance) whith Indoor-frame-antenna and regenerative receiver.
      (“beat-reception” 100 Hz)
      short recordings here:


    • #8657 Reply
      dm2spWolfgang Sprodofsky

      Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

      I have received your Transmission today (24.10.2020) at 15 UTC with RST 589 on 17,2kHz on my QTH 13507 Berlin , loc: JO62PN .

      My Hardware for your Station:

      Ant : End-Fed 24m grounded with many burried radials
      VLF-Converter : (0…600)kHz —> (2000…2600)kHz with Tubes , Home-made
      TRX : FT991A , Mode CW , BW: 100 Hz
      Decoder-SW : CW-Get

      vy 73 es 55 de Wolfgang , DM2SP

    • #8656 Reply
      Stefano Canavesi

      Beautiful transmission, received loud and clear in Lugano, south of Switzerland. My movie:

    • #8655 Reply
      Axel RumpAxel


      Good Signal. RST: 478 in 19243 Wittenburg Germany (JO53MM)
      World receiver “Tecsun PL660” with selfmade UP-Converter and MiniWhip Antenna.

      Many thanks to the team at SAQ!

      Viele Grüße,

      Axel 🙂

    • #8654 Reply

      Great signal today. 569 in Pskov Region of Russia
      RSP-1A VOGD antenna

      73 de UA1ZFG /VLF RULEZZ/

    • #8653 Reply
      Pascal Deveaux

      I have a doubt about the start of the transmission. I didn’t hear anything at 1500 utc.

      “17:00 (15:00 UTC): Transmission of a message from SAQ”

      I will listen again at 1700 UTC


      Pascal FR5DH

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