Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ transmissions on June 30th, 2019 (NOT FOR QSL)

  • This topic has 32 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by AlexanderSAQ.
  • Creator
  • #7666 Reply
    Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

    Thanks for all kind reports and listener storier to our forum!

    For QSL, please fill out our Online QSL Report Form.

    Grimeton Radio / SAQ Transmission on June 30th, 2019.

    The annual transmission on “Alexanderson Day” with the Alexanderson alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz with the call SAQ will take place Sunday, June 30th, 2019.
    Two transmissions are scheduled as follows:

    1. Startup of tuning at 10:30 (08:30 UTC) with a transmission of a message at 11:00 (09:00 UTC).
    2. Startup of tuning at 13:30 (11:30 UTC) with a transmission of a message at 14:00 (12:00 UTC)
      Both transmission events will be broadcasted live on our YouTube Channel.

    We are introducing a new online SAQ reception report form to be used by listeners to report reception of any SAQ transmissions. We are kindly asking listeners not to send SAQ reception reports via E-mail.

    QSL-reports to SAQ are kindly received via:
    Reception report form at alexander.n.se/receptionreport
    – or via: SM bureau
    – or direct by postal mail to:

    Alexander Association
    Grimeton 72
    SE-432 98 GRIMETON
    S W E D E N

    The Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV on the following frequencies:
    – 7.035 kHz CW or
    – 14.035 kHz CW or
    – 3.755 kHz SSB

    QSL-reports to SK6SAQ are kindly received via:
    – Email to info@alexander.n.se
    – or via: SM bureau
    – or direct by postal mail (see address above)Two stations will be on the air most of the time.

    The station will be open to visitors between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.


    World Heritage Grimeton Radio station and The Alexander Association

    For further details, se grimeton.org or alexander.n.se


Viewing 31 reply threads
  • Author
    • #7750 Reply

      Very good signal received from Roccatederighi, near Grosseto, ITALY.
      Many thanks for this transmission.
      Equipment SPR1A, random antenna.

    • #7749 Reply
      Uwe KraazUwe Kraaz

      Dear friends,

      I had in Schmölln / Germany at 11.00 AM and 2.00 PM with a magnetic loop
      and the SAQ.exe – software a good receiving from SAQ.

      Many thank to all actives friends from SAQ for the good work.

      Vy 73

      de Uwe (DL5KU)

    • #7746 Reply
      Alexander Küffer

      Hello everybody, the Signal from SAQ was very good to hear.

      QTH/P: 47º09.414’N 7º 32.091’E JN37SD
      RST: 599 ufb
      RX: Telefunken ELK639
      Ant: Loop

      VY73 Alexander HE9EFY/p

    • #7740 Reply
      Gheorghe Balan

      Yesterday I received for the first time the SAQ transmission.
      The SAQ signal, here in Romania, Pitesti, KN24KU, was much better than expected for my all home made equipment : 599+ some statics, for the first transmission and 489+QRN for the second transmission.
      My rig : VLF converter (based on the DL4ZAO VLF conv.), 14 MHz cw/ssb Rx, G5RV antenna (a kind of !).
      Many thanks to the entire crew for these transmissions and for all their work,
      73, Gigi, YO7GYQ.

    • #7738 Reply
      Walter Barteczek

      Yesterday transmission was a bid noisy but readable at 12:00, 2 hours later 599. SDR-Receiver, 9m high 80m dipole in “T-configuration” against ground with additional 197,3 mH.

      Walter Barteczek
      DK8KV in JO30QU

    • #7737 Reply
      Jose Magi

      Very good signal of two transmissions received from Catalonia, Spain near Barcelona
      Equipment Rohde Schwarz ESH3 with HFH2-Z2 Active Loop Antenna
      73 Jose EA3JAA

    • #7732 Reply
      Rudolf OK1PW

      Big signal receiver very old wave meter Rohde+Schwarz WEN435 /2tube/ ant 80m loop

    • #7731 Reply
      Laurence HowellLaurence Howell

      Hello from a smoky and hot Alaska – was awake for the first transmission only and signals around 339 signal 10-12 dB above noise. I had to employ my single turn 3m diameter loop/Spectrumlabs to cut high QRN, and much better, and rarely, than the L400b probe which I typically use for SAQ. Thanks for the Signals and congrats on getting the signal over the Pole in the middle of summer – 73 Laurence KL7L

    • #7730 Reply
      DL7LA – Günter

      Located in Berlin City, JO62PL

      Signals excellent about 20 dB over man made noise (abt 5 dB less than JXN on 16.4 kHz) in a city location.
      The second transmission slightly noisier anbd abt 2 dB weaker, but solid copy.
      Greetings to the old Lady, keep her up and running, mni tnx to all operators.

    • #7728 Reply
      dm2spWolfgang Sprodofsky

      Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

      I have received your Transmission today (30.06.2019) at 9 UTC with RST 589 with slight QRN on 17,2kHz on my QTH 13507 Berlin , loc: JO62PN .

      My Hardware for your Station:

      Ant : End-Fed 24m grounded with many burried radials
      VLF-Converter : (0…600)kHz —> (2000…2600)kHz with Tubes , Home-made
      TRX : FT991A , Mode CW , BW: 150 Hz
      Decoder-SW : CW-Get

      vy 73 es 55 de Wolfgang , DM2SP

    • #7726 Reply
      Holger DL1BLE

      heard both transmission wid 559. Rig: Mini-Whip, VLF Converter (SO42P) and IC7600.
      Locator: JO43KB
      mni tks to crew

    • #7723 Reply
      Ian HarlingIan Harling

      Ian Harling G7HFS
      Good reception here in Eastbourne JO00DR using my Yeasu FT -817ND with Datong VLF converter and a 1 mtr whip aerial.Signal S9.73☺

    • #7722 Reply
      Peder RodhePeder Rodhe

      SM5DWF again my QTH is JP90JA on the beautiful island of Väddö in the Stockholm archipelago, tried 3755 kHz but nil sofar. Rig of HA8DH take the price!

    • #7721 Reply
      Peder RodhePeder Rodhe

      This is SM5DWF doktor on waves, SAQ heard 339 between UTC 1135 and 1140 and between 1155 and 1208. RX CR304 Antenna 80/160 m dipole.
      Keep on with the old lady!

      73/Peder SM5DWF

    • #7711 Reply
      hegyi lorandhegyi lorand

      Tnx for SAQ team!

      I have homebrew morse ink (tape) writer and
      record the transmission.

      RST is 579, QRM
      QRA KN06DK, QRB 1305 km.
      (Hodmezovasarhely, Hungary)

      My SAQ setup on video:

      73 Lori

    • #7707 Reply
      Marcel BosMarcel Bos PA9M

      Good copy this morning. Ant. Mini Whip pa0rdt on SAQ panoramic VLF receiver v0.94, also on home brew converter to 10mhz and K3. S5-7.
      TNX cu at Chrismas EVE.
      73 Marcel PA9M
      Oldenzaal Netherlands

    • #7703 Reply
      Michael KraussMichael Krauss

      As a member of the Alexanderson Association i am proud of being able to hear the “old lady” again.

      Keep this 95 years old fascinating peace of history running !

      At 12:00 utc i used an AEG E800/2
      feeded by an active tuned Rod Antenna.
      Signal was loud and clear at S9.
      Little QRM and QRN now.

      73 de DC1MAK
      Micha JN48UL

    • #7702 Reply
      Greg Fismer DF2IC

      Missed the first transmission, but was ready for the second. Great signal and perfect copy in JN49jo near Heidelberg.
      RX: Skonti TRP-8250
      Ant: PA0RDT Mini Whip
      Keep up the excellent work and hope to hear from you soon again!
      Worked SK6SAQ a bit earlier in 20m, excellent signal too.

      73 de Greg DF2IC

    • #7701 Reply
      Benjamin, HB3YIW

      Dear SAQ-Team

      Many thanks for this transmission. Perfect copy in Bern Switzerland (JN36rx).
      Setup this year :
      DIY E202 receiver
      Xonar Audiocard
      Spectrum Lab Software
      Video you can watch here : https://youtu.be/v7C7EYOwtJQ

      73 de,
      Benjamin (HB3YIW)

    • #7700 Reply
      Peter Eijlander (PA0PJE)

      Just listened to the transmission on my old Murphy B41 receiver. Good reception at the Fort near Edam

    • #7697 Reply
      pe0fkoFred, pe0fko, NL

      Perfect signal in the Nederlands, JO32CD.
      Receiver SA612 converter to 14MHz, IC7300 backend, USB to PC SBSpectrum. 17m long wire antenne.
      Received RST 585

      73, Fred

    • #7696 Reply
      Domenico LINDO / IZ7SLZ

      Good copy in Apulia, South Italy (Loc. JN80nu).
      QSA4 with Miniwhip antenna + audio card + software Spectrum Lab
      You can listen on https://qsl.net/iz7slz/VLF/SAQ_jun_2019.wav

      Hoping to visit your site in Sweden one day.

      Best wishes
      Domenico IZ7SLZ
      Putignano, Italy

    • #7695 Reply
      IZ6BMP Rino

      Hello, nice signal for the morning transmission here in JN72AG (Alanno, close to Pescara, 200km east fromo Rome), 20dB above noise floor.
      Antenna: PA0RDT mini-whip “on-a-cane” 😀
      Front-end: ART USB-Dual-Pre audio pre-amplifier and digitizer
      Demod: SDR# V1.0.0.1361 running on Windows XP
      PC: An old SIEMENS AMILOpro (Intel Core2 T5500@1.66GHz, 2GB RAM)

      A screenshot of this morning reception

    • #7693 Reply
      Per TjernlundPer Tjernlund

      Signal 599 as usual
      My qth is Kramfors, Sweden in the middle of Norrland
      Receiver Racal 1772, antenna end fed wire 20m
      Thanks for the highlight of the summer and for all your work.
      73’s de Per SM0WHL/3

    • #7692 Reply
      Michael KraussMichael Krauss

      As a member of the Alexanderson Association i am proud of being able to hear the “old lady” again.

      Keep this 95 years old fascinating peace of history running !

      At 09:00 utc i used an AOR AR7030
      feeded by an active tunes Rod Antenna.
      Signal was loud and clear at S9+20dB.
      No QRM or QRN here 🙂

      At 12:00 utc i will try the AEG E800/2.

      73 de DC1MAK
      Micha JN48UL

    • #7689 Reply

      Fine signal as usual, also the frequency stability seems to have been improved.

      A video showing how this was received in Warsaw/Poland:


      VY 73 DE
      Jacek/SQ5BPF and Marcin/SQ2BXI


    • #7686 Reply
      Martin EhrenfriedMartin Ehrenfried

      Good signals into the UK.

      15dB above the noise floor into Farnham WEB SDR http://farnham-sdr.com/ in SE UK

      12dB above the noise floor into Kernow KiWI WEB SDR http://kernow.hopto.org:8073/ at Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall SW tip of UK (despite a very high noise floor)

      Unfortunately too much switched mode power supply noise on my SWUK KiWi SDR http://southwest.ddns.net:8073/ which masked the SAQ signal.

      Martin – G8JNJ – Admin for Farnham / Kernow and SWUKSDR

    • #7685 Reply
      Martin SmythMartin Smyth

      Dear Grimeton,

      5/9 into UK and Farnham WEBSDR at 10:00 BST. An excellent 8 minute transmission and well done all. I could see 7 different users listening on the WEBSDR.

      Hoping to visit you one day soon.

      Best wishes

    • #7684 Reply
      Peter Wassink

      Nice signals, the morning transmission peaked upto about S9 here in Holland on a pa0rdt-whip active antenna,
      received it in Vorden, JO32dc eastern part of the netherlands

      Keep up the good work and keep that magnificent radiostation running,
      was able to visit your beautifull sstation and ejoyed every bolt of it .. 🙂 hi

      73 Peter Pd0pha

    • #7683 Reply
      DK3SML, Mike

      tnx for transmission!

      Good copy here in South Germany, no QRN RST 569, almost about -95db

      RX: ELAS FDM2-SDR, antenna Wellbrook ALA-1530+ (magnetic loop)

      73s de Mike, DK3SML

    • #7681 Reply
      Carsten Görner DG0JCG

      Locator: JO60MU
      Feldstärke S5…7
      Lesbarkeit 3…4
      My Call DG0JCG
      Vy tnx fo the Transmission

    • #7679 Reply
      F5VLBJean-Marie POLARD F5VLB

      Hello, I will have a try to hear you tomorrow with earth probes electrodes and a one ESH-2 from Rhode and Schwarz. My report will be sent later that day.

      Best regards from Brittany, France
      Jean Marie F5VLB

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