Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ reception in Graz: Wideband IQ recordings now available

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    Hermann Scharfetter

    Update of my report from Nov 19th about on SAQ reception in Graz (Austria):

    As promised, a wideband recording of the whole RF band between 10 and 260 kHz (VLF plus LW), including the full lengt signal of SAQ on Sept 16th 2022, can now be downloaded from COHIRADIA under https://www.radiomuseum.org/dsp_cohiradia_detail.cfm?id=200. This is a wav-File which can be played back by e.g. SDRUno or SDR#. Nice feature: One can also tune to LW broadcasting stations like BBC, RTL and others which could be received in Graz at the same time.

    There is also a short movie clip on https://cohiradia.radiomuseum.org/download/docs/SAQ_Graz_16_11_2022.mp4 showing the SAQ signal at my QTH.

    Best 73

    Hermann, OE6TWF

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