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  • in reply to: Looking forward to SAQ transmission Xmas 2016 #5372

    Hi all!
    Tests were done today Tuesday Dec 20th at around 10 UTC, see link below.

    Next test will be on Friday Dec 23rd at around 09.00 UTC.

    Looking forward to hearing from you all on Christmas Eve.
    //Fredrik – AlexanderSAQ

    in reply to: Alexanderson day summer 2016 #4306

    Dear Andreas,
    We are happy to hear that you will come and visit the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station this summer.
    A fantastic site to visit. Our summer transmission schedule, looks like this:

    – July 3rd (Sunday): Alexanderson Day. A full day event (detailed schedule will be posted on our web site about 4 weeks prior to the event) with many activities in and around the station. Display of the Alexanderson alternator by people who worked at the station when it was in operation. There will also be two occations (morning & afternoon) of startup and transmission of a message over the antenna that day. A great event!

    in reply to: official countdown timer #4070

    Dear Lutz,
    Thanks for the nice tip – this is a great idea!
    However we do not always know the exact date and time for the next transmission until shortly before the planned date, due to the fact that we don’t have regular access to the antenna. Access is granted but never guaranteed only weeks before a planned transmission.
    But we would like to improve our communication with all listeners, so a count down clock on our website some weeks before a planned transmission is definitely something we will try!
    Fredrik /AlexanderSAQ

    in reply to: Received Test Transmission 23 December 2015 #3714

    Dear Marc,
    Yes, today we got access to the antenna and started the transmitter at around 14:00 UTC for some testing to make sure everything is working OK for tomorrow.
    The test was successful so everything is looking good for tomorrow’s transmission.

    Fredrik /AlexanderSAQ

    in reply to: Quest in the Far West for SAQ #3704

    Dear Bart,
    We are exited to hear about your efforts to receive SAQ far away in California and we will do our very best to get the signals over to you.
    Don’t miss the live video broadcast of the SAQ transmission, here on

    Fredrik /AlexanderSAQ

    in reply to: SAQ Transmission Exact Frequency #3691

    Dear John,
    The Alexanderson alternator is driven by a 600 horse power asynchronous two phase 2300V electric motor, driving the high frequency generator via a gear box. The transmitting frequency is in direct proportion to the speed of the motor. One of the great challenges with the SAQ transmitter is to maintain the motor speed at a constant rate, both when the transmitter is idling (Morse key is up) and when it is transmitting (Morse key is pressed down). This is done by an automated control system, however at start-up it needs “tuning assistance” to find the right frequency. After the initial tuning of the transmitter, we normally can keep the frequency between 17190 and 17210 Hz. On the electric motor, with a speed of 711,3 revolutions per minute, this represents a maximum deviation of a single revolution per minute between idle running and full load.

    Fredrik / AlexanderSAQ
    (thanks to Ola Hernvall for technical assistance)

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3473

    Moved from comments: Radu / YO8SXX

    YO8SXX – amateur radio qth SUCEAVA-ROMANIA, loc. KN37CQ
    Reception report

    Date: 24.10.2015
    Frequency: 17,2 KHz
    Mode: CW
    UTC: start time 10:00, end time 10:09
    CALL: SAQ Grimeton Suedia
    Signal report: 579 / 599, slight QSB, loud QRN from artificial source

    Message received:

    vvv vvv vvv de saq saq saq……
    cq cq cq de saq saq saq
    this is grimeton radio/saq in a transmission on united nations day using the alexanderson 200 kw alternator on 17.2 khz ; the message is written by paskberg ii paskberg school in varberg . =
    ; understand the rep(?)ugees situation . not their choice , not their fault . refugees are an asset . refugees are also human beings . treat the refugees the way you want to be treated . all countries must help . war separates families . fight war , g ii not refugees . fight terrorism . learn to live with other cultures . eu (sn) everyone has the same value . help out , next time it could be you . =
    signed : world heritage grimeton and the alexander-grimeton veteranradios vaenner association a^r =
    info : we do not require any qsl reports on this transmission =
    de saq saq saq s^k

    receive and written by: Radu Chisalita/YO8SXX

    – This report includes attached audio files containing the recording of parts of the issue and the whole final message.
    – Receiving equipment: VLF converter 10-200 KHz to 10,01-10,2 MHz, yaesu FT1000 MP transceiver, inverted V antenna for 80 m amateur band, audio interface for PC recording.

    YO8SXX, op. Radu Chisăliţă (Radu)
    Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 18A loc. Suceava RO720074 Romania
    See detail on

    This Report and attached audio files was sent to SAQ Grimeton Suedia

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3486

    Moved from comments: OE3FFC, Franz

    Your fine transmission on the SAQ-UN-Day i must listen on web-sdr uni twenty, because i had big QRM/QRN from my neighbor. Sri. The sigs during the whole transmitting-time were fine with S 7.
    So i´m looking forward to your next transmission with the “old boy” with my new homebrew rig.
    Many thanks for all,
    de — . …– ..-. ..-. -.-. :))


    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3471

    Moved from comments: G3JNB

    Very heavy static S9+60 covered most of the transmission this time. 100ft LW, VLF converter to FT2000.
    Disappointing but glad the Old Lady did her stuff again.

    73 Victor G3JNB>

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3483

    Moved from comments: OK1DSO , JARDA

    SAQ-UN Day Transmission very very strong S / N + 30 db, Receiving Mini Whip. PC and saqrx_exe, near Prague airport


    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3480

    Moved from comments: Erik PE1NOJ

    Strong signal (RST 578)
    Eddystone VLF receiver and Mini Whip
    Zevenhuizen Netherlands

    Thank you Lars

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3469

    Moved from comments: RA4HGN

    Heard SAQ RST 579. My QTH Samara, LOC: LO53CF, QRB 2390 km, Setup:
    1. ANT – long wire 80 m
    2. RX – sound card PC
    3. Soft – GNU Radio

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3466

    Moved from comments: Bert, SM1CJV

    Heard the Old Lady with +28db over noiselevel,RX computer+soundcard,antenna half Square 10Mhz.
    73 de SM1CJV/Bert

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3464

    Moved from comments: Stig Linnarud, SM4EFQ

    Långbanshyttan 2015-10-24
    Har idag emottagit er sändning på 17.2 KHz ,
    RST 579, ngt QRM men annars stabil signal.
    TACKAR ! Vi höres. 73 Stig.

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3477

    Moved from comments: DF7DJ, Bert

    Nice transsmission today. Copied very good in the near of Dormund with homemade converter and aktive antenna.

    in reply to: Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15 #3475

    Moved from comments: Hajo

    Very good and stabil signals and
    a very good message to all people of the whole world.
    Thank you dear Lars!

    in reply to: CW or MCW? #3428

    Dear Brian,
    The simple answer to your question is that we have no modulator, it is pure CW we are sending out. There is however no prefect square wave but it has a short rise- and decay time (about 12 ms).
    However, Arne Siko here at the Alexander association had a data simulation made on a rough theoretical model of the antenna, and in the curves of that simulation one can discern an overlay that would be perceived as a 1100 Hz tone. We have never thought of this, as we see an overshoot in the amplitude at approximately 15 ms, that we thought little of, but not found any explanation. All this can be seen on the attached report.

    /Fredrik Wiklund @AlexanderSAQ with help from Ola Hernvall

    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3370

    Club Station SP9MOA (moved from comments)

    Thank you for publishing our pictures. We send the video :)


    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3368

    Alois Wolf / DK4PB (moved from comments)

    War eine tolle Sendung, sehr gut hier in Deutschland aufzunehmen.
    Antenne: 60 m Longwire
    Receiver: Telefunken ELK639
    Signale: 599

    Danke für die QSL-Karte!

    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3366

    Erik Knol / PE1NOJ (moved from comments)

    cq cq de saq saq saq = this is grimetonradio/saq in at ransmission
    using the alexanderson 200kw alternator on 17.2khz = 90 ii 90 years
    ago, on july 2nd ii 2nd, grimetonradiostation/saq was inaugurated ii
    inaugurated by his majesty gustaf v ii gustaf v, king of sweden.
    nowadays the site is open for everyone and belongs to all people of
    the world = signed: world heritage grimeton and the alexander-grimeton
    veteranradios vaenner association =for qsl info please read our ii = – info = we are we
    are sorry but the transmission at 09:00 wtc did not work because ii
    because of a short circuit in the antenna and no transmission was
    possible = de saq saq saq SK

    signal received at 448
    antenna Miniwhip and Eddystone VLF receiver

    73’s Erik Knol PE1NOJ

    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3364

    Karl Hengl / OE1KHU (moved from comments)

    Tut mir leid Kolege- Ich habe ueber Utwente 12 uhr Sendung aufgenommen und ueber den PERSEUS-mit der Flat-Loop-43 mH/Q 105.
    Diesmal war das Signal Ausgezeichnet(bestes Signal der letzten 10 Jahre!).
    Die aufzeichnung kann bei mir abgehöhrt werden oder im Klub OE1.
    Gruß KARL oe1khu

    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3362

    Richle Hermann / OE3RV (moved from comments)

    Danke für Ihre E-Mail und die Nachricht. Ich konnte SAQ um 09h nicht hören und dachte das Problem ist sicher auf meiner Seite. Wir hatten Besuch so konnte ich die zweiter Sendung um 1200 Uhr nicht aufnehmen. Es tut mir leid. Ich bin froh daß Sie den Fehler rasch ausbessern konnten.
    Ich danke für Ihre Bemühungen um den Sender und bin immer froh wenn ich SAQ hören kann
    Herzliche Grüße oe3rv Hermann

    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3358

    Michael Landherr / (moved from comments)

    RX: YAESU FT817ND + LW_Konverter –
    Ant: 120 m Langdraht
    PC: Netbook Toshiba Win 7
    Software: MultiPSK

    sauberes Signal, kaum Störungen 579

    Standort: Teufelskeller / nr. Köthen Sachsen Anhalt
    Locator: JO51WV
    51 54 30 N
    11 54 30 O
    Höhe: 72 m

    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3356

    Patrik Eriksson – the mad inventor (moved from comments)

    I guess I am one of the closest listeners to the great alternator; just a wee bit north of Gothenburg. But, my receiving equipment is somewhat extraordinary – a self-built analog music synthesiser!
    As the transmitter frequency is well within the bandwidth of my audio processing circuits I realised that they could possibly be used as a VLF receiver. One of the synthesisers VCOs were used as a local oscillator, tuned to something like 17,8 kc/s (btw, ‘the grand old lady’ is far more stable than my music oscillators. There is no room for a mammoth flywheel in here… :) ) A long wire as an improvised antenna was then connected through the synths preamplifer, then mixed with the VCO into the ring modulator unit (4-quadrant multiplier). The resulting signal at a few hundred Hz was then fed through a 4-pole low/bandpass filter and on to the loudspeakers.

    Now, I’m just a musician and audio engineer with limited, to say the least, experience in antennas and frequencies above hearing range. I had a result, but just barely. With careful listening and tuning of the filter I could hear most of the transmission, but almost drowned in other forms of noise in my setup. My next plan is to spend the time until christmas transmission to learn and design a proper antenna, and a better (less noise, more gain) preamp cirquit.
    Such a lovely reason to learn and look deeper into analog topics in this digitalised world!

    Also, I have to admit to a wee bit of ‘cheating’; I did have the dutch SDR online too, as a backup plan / reference. 😉

    I will stay tuned…



    in reply to: Alexanderson Day Transmission June 28, 2015 #3354

    Hans G. Diederich / DK2XV (moved from comments)

    Dear team of Grimeton Radio,

    I am very glad that “the ”old lady” is ready again.” and that no permanant harm did remain, and that nobody was injured. I sent my somehow lengthy reception report as smail to you this morning.

    What I have ti mention here is …
    Grimeton Radio is the first technical machine, after vessels, which was spoken of in the femininum. I suppose, some of your team were active in the “Swedisch Kriegsmarine” or/and were active as radio officers on civil sea going vessels.
    How you managed to take a technical major problem to give sufficient information to your website’s readers, not only explainen very detailed what the reason was, how you managed to cope with the problem and to get on the air soon, to meet the afternoon schedule, all this together is a very good example how to make good, modern and efficient communication work to the public.
    I do wish you and all your coworkers, the whole team, the very best in the future, personally and together and with Grimeton Radio (SAQ). I am always very happy (especially as a former professional “brass pounder”) when I here “vvv de SAQ” …

    Kind regards
    Hans G. Diederich, DK2XV

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