Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Transmission on World Radio Day, Feb. 13th 2023

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  • #9994 Svara

    Dear SAQ-team,

    thanks for your transmission on World Radio Day (13.02.2022) 15:00 UTC on 17,2kHz which could be received with an SNR of approx. 15 dB in JN48MM, Tuebingen.
    There was a strong signal on 16 kHz which caused some interference. Found it with Kiwi-SDRs in other QTHs as well 🙁

    Mini-Whip (active E-field probe)
    Home-made VLF-Converter using a Siemens S042P -> 10.0 MHz
    Elecraft K3 w/ 200 Hz IF-BW

    73, Roman – DL3TU

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