Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions October 23rd test Svar till: October 23rd test

E. Wijkamp (PD2EW)

First time listening with sound card and a 20m Ground Plane antenna in my back yard, knowing that it’s not an optimal antenna for it. Also using WebSDR U-Twente as a monitor station.
Just heard/received the test signal on both: 2023-10-23_13.25-13.37CET. WebSDR U-Twente receives better signals, my sound card is adjusted to max input MIC signal and still does the job. My used software: SAQ Panoramic VLF Receiver v0.98. Much QRM but SAQ CW signal shows up with little delay (because of processing time needed by my old computer).

Will try SDR-Sharp, HDSDR and SDR++ with my sound card, also with my RSP1 and new blogV4 units. I don’t know if these will do the job in this VLF section…
So now that I know that I can receive the signal with my antenna, I’m waiting for a new test signal.. 😉
I made a screen dump of my initial results, but can’t attach it to this post.

I wish you all the best of luck with the broadcasts.

I send my regards to all of you there,
Erik Wijkamp (PD2EW)


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