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Until now the detection of dots and dashes in gerke-decoder has relied on finding the points in time where “silence” changes to “tone” and back. This method works fine with strong signals, but it is sensitive to noise: The timing gets disturbed, false dots may be detected, true dots may be missed, dashes may be misinterpreted as dots, etc. All of this causes the decoded text to be garbled.
There is a new version 3.2.3 of the decoder that doesn’t rely on tone/silence detection at all. Instead it computes integrals of the signal over short time intervals, thereby locating what are the most likely dots and dashes. This produces better results than previous versions, especially so for recordings with considerable noise.
Try it out if you like: Build from source at https://github.com/fowlay/gerke-decoder/ or use this executable jar: https://privat.bahnhof.se/wb748077/radio/3.2.3/gerke-decoder.jar
If you notice problems, let me know.