Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Thank you for your Christmas transmission, receives Q5 here at Karlsruhe Svar till: Thank you for your Christmas transmission, receives Q5 here at Karlsruhe

Rainer Englert DF2NU

Dear Grimeton-Team.
I received your Christmas transmission from 24.12.2015 at 08:00 UTC perfectly
well near Munich in Southern Germany. My RX was a FA-SDR with an active
magnetic loop antenna 10m hiho tn the rooftop. Signal was S9+20 dB and S/N
was about 20 dB.

The following text was read;
73 de Rainer DF2NU

cq cq ca de saq saq saq =

this is grimeton radio/saq in a transmission using the alexanderson
200 ii 200 kW alternator on 17,2 kHz =

in 2006 ii 2006 we started our christmas transmissions and
we will again wish you all a merry christmas an a happy new year =

signed as the world heritage at grimeton and the alexander grimeton
veteranradios association ar =

for qsl info please read our website:
_www.alexander.n.se_ ii _www.alexander.n.se_

de saq saq saq sk


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