Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions excellent report of SAQ 17.2 KHz on East French Svar till: excellent report of SAQ 17.2 KHz on East French

DE FRANCO Henri, François

HI, everybody.

excellent report’s from SAQ 17.2 KHz on sunday 03/07/2016 at 09:06 GMT.
20 dB/µV signal report on RX pro R&S EK070 mod A1A.

My antenna is a inverted L apex@ 14 m, 42 m lenght, with 1 radial of 42 m lenght @ 2 m.

My qth inchanged in the town of Mézériat (01) near Lyon, Bourg en Bresse and Mâcon in east France.

Best regard.

p.s : you tube streaming on little vidéo of my rx on A1A and J3E with filter normalized/standarised for this modulation here :

Henri, François DE FRANCO


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