Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Listening for SAQ 3 Juli 2016 Svar till: Listening for SAQ 3 Juli 2016

Richard Lorenzen

Hallo Lutz

I live in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States of America. The receive antenna here for SAQ is a loop antenna and with an operational amplifier and the receiver is a Collins HF 2050. My amateur radio call sign is WA0AKG. I suspect that the op amp is kaput. I nust learn more about better antenna. This message board and recently new website is new to me and more to learn. Have you visited the Alexanderson Alternator . Visit the Alternator as soon as you can. Do not hesitate. All of the Alternator, the transmitter hall, and including Sweden is very interesting. I have visited 5 times and I hope that I return. There is always more to learn and also visit with Swedish friends. Best regards from Richard M. Lorenzen


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