Hem › SAQ Forum › SAQ Transmissions › Alexanderson Day July 3rd, 2016 transmission
- Detta ämne har 39 svar, 14 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 4 år, 5 månader sedan av
The annual transmission on "Alexanderson Day" with the Alexanderson alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz with the call SAQ will take place Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 at 09:00 UTC (tuning up from after 08:30 UTC) and will be repeated at 12:00 UTC (tuning up from after 11:30 UTC).
Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV on the following frequencies:
– 7.035 kHz CW or
– 14.035 kHz CW or
– 21.035 kHz CW or
– 3.755 kHz SSBTwo stations will be on the air most of the time.
QSL-reports to SAQ and SK6SAQ are kindly received via:
– E-mail to: info@alexander.n.se
– or via: SM bureau
– or direct by mail to: Alexander – Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
Grimeton 72
S W E D E NAlso read our website: http://www.alexander.n.se
The station will be open to visitors.
Lars Kalland / SM6NM
Alexander/SAQ -
GästHello SAQ team,
Great transmission on July 3rd.
I was on vacation in Czech Republic near Praha – JN79FW.
The morning broadcast was a bit better than the noon broadcast (QRM) but both receiving excellent. 449
Antenna was MiniWhip, homemade VLF converter, IC -7100 .
Thank you and until the next broadcast.73 PC2C, Rene
GästHello SAQ team
Yesterday I received the SAQ 09.00UTC transmission in the west of the Netherlands. Locator JO22EA.
The transmission was loud and clear. There was some interference, possibly caused by thunderstorms.
Equipment used:
– homebrew miniwhip active antenna, placed well away from my house
– PC running Windows7 and the SAQ panoramic VLF receiver v0.94 created by Roland Froehlich
This SAQ panoramic VLF receiver software is truly amazing!
The antenna was tied directly to the microphone socket of the computer’s on board soundcard.Many thanks to the SAQ team for running this transmitter.
73 de Jan (PE1OSQ)
tried to receive SAQ for the first time and success. The Transmission in the morning were better than the second one here in Austria near Vienna.
Used a active antenna and PC with Sound Card.Will try at Chrismas this year.
Thanks for the nice Transmission !!!!!
73 Gerhard
Shawn Williams
GästSAQ not received in Cape Town.
I am sure if the transmission took place in the evening or early morning before sunrise, SAQ would have been heard.73’s Shawn
DeltagareReceived SAQ transmissions on West London, strong signal, 5-9
Thank you for keeping transmissions along the years.
Juan, M0WWA -
Benjamin Grogg (HB3YIW)
GästHi all,
Very good signal in Bern, Switzerland with minimal equipment.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/xQgLfpD3wmg” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Vy 73 de HB3YIW (Benjamin)
Arnold Goksøyr
GästHi, I heard your transmission today at 12.00 UTC loud and clear RST578. I live between high mountains in the southern part of Norway (Sogn og Fjordane county).
Equipment: Marconi Atalanta valve receiver 15 khz – 23 mhz. Aerial: Diamond CP6.
Vlad Tkachuk
DeltagareSAQ station report 3 Jul 2016 y:
utc 08.55-09.05 RST 559 fb copi
utc 11.55-12.05 RST 449 very strong QRN
My QTH Zdolbuniv , Ukraine,KO30CM
Radio DEGEN DE-1103
Ant: Loop 82 m, up. 7 m
73! @ Bye -
Vlad Tkachuk
DeltagareHi! My name is Vlad Tkachuk, call UW5KW.
I rcvd sigs radiostation SAQ heute 3 Jul 2016 in 08.55-09.05 UTC(Part 1) and 11.55-12.05 UTC(Part2):
Part 1: RST 559, nice copi
Part 2:RST 449,very strong QRN
My QTH:Zdolbuniv, near Rivne, Ukraine
ww-locator KO30CM
Equipment: receiver DEGEN DE-1103, antenna Loop long 82 m, up 7 m
73! Bye -
GästA short Video of today’s reception from Florence Italy.
equipment made available by IW5ABF Fernando.
UW5KW Vlad
GästHi! I rcvd sigs radiostation SAQ 17.2 khz in west Ukraine:
Part 1, Time 08.55-09.05 UTC, RST 559 , nice copi
Part 2. Time 11.55-12.05 UTC, RST 449 ,very strong QRN
My equipment: receiver DEGEN DE-1103, antenna LOOP 82 m, up 7 m
Vlad Tkachuk (UW5KW) -
GästYO8SXX – amateur radio
qth SUCEAVA-ROMANIA, loc. KN37CQReception report 1
Date: 03.07.2016
Frequency: 17,2 KHz
Mode: CW
UTC: start time – (tune up transmitter) 08:40 UTC
start time – (message) 09:00 UTC
end time – 09:07 UTC
Signal report: 579 / QRN, fine signal, easy to copyMessage received:
vvv vvv vvv de saq saq saq ……
cq cq cq de saq saq saq =
this is grimeton radio/saq in a transmission using the alexanderson 200 kw alteae (sn) alternator on 17.2 khz =
it is now 20 ii 2t years since the alexander association started. then mostly with members of earlier and present employees at grimeton radio/saq. We are now 650 ii 65t members and of (i…) them 26 ii 26 none swedish. the station is nowadays managed by grimeton world heritage foundation. Signed: world heritage grimeton radio station and the alexander-grimeton veteranradios vaenner ri(…) association a^r =
for qsl info please read our website: http://www.alexander.n.se ii http://www.alexander.n.se =
de saq saq saq qrx at 12tt utc s^k
***********************************************************************************Reception report 2
Date: 03.07.2016
Frequency: 17,2 KHz
Mode: CW
UTC: start time – (tune up transmitter) 11:40 UTC
start time – (message) 12:00 UTC
end time – 12:07 UTC
Signal report: 559 / vy strong QRN (atmospheric static noise) copy only with headphonesMessage received:
vvv vvv vvv de saq saq saq ……
cq cq cq de saq saq saq =
this is grimeton radio/saq in a transmission using the alexanderson 200 kw alternator on 17.2 khz. =
it is now 20 ii 2t years since the alexander association started, then mostly with members of earlier and present employees at grimeton radio/saq. We are now 650 ii 65t members and of them 26 ii 26 none swedish. The station is nowadays managed by grimeton world heritage foundation. Signed: world heritage grimeton radio station and the alexander-grimeton veteranradios vaenner association a^r =
for qsl info please read our website: http://www.alexander.n.se ii http://www.alexander.n.se =
de saq saq saq s^k
***********************************************************************************– Receiving equipment: VLF converter 10-300 KHz to 10,01-10,3 MHz, Yaesu FT1000 MP transceiver, loop antenna for 40 m amateur band, audio interface for PC recording.
Congratulations to grimeton radio/saq team.
Sorry for SK6SAQ radio station but i heard an work them only on 40 m cw. The Dx-clusters have not been reported it in other bands.73 / YO8SXX
Robert Stahl
GästI heard SAQ loud and clear this time. Equipment: MiniWhip and PC with SAQ V094 software. Thanks a lot for your effort.
vy 73 Robert DM1SR
DeltagareSuccessful reception of this morning’s SAQ transmission in Northern Luxembourg (jo30bc).
Equipment: Yaesu FT-817 with simple home-brewed VLF upconverter.
“Antenna” was one metre of loudspeaker wire.73 de Paul PE7B
We received the Signal of the first transmission today very weak and nothing from the second transmission.We had also strong QRN.
In December 2014 the Reception was much better than today.
Hope to hear you again at Christmas.
Equipment :DX1 aktive Antenna and 80m Dipol, Receiver SDRcloud IQ and Soundcard with Spectrum Software. -
Bob Houlston
DeltagareReceived 439 on PC using method described here: http://g4pvb.eu.pn/saq.htm
Thank you for your transmissions and 73 Bob G4PVB
Kjell Bergqvist
DeltagareThe second pass from SAQ was also received in Boden (KP05vs) in Sweden. The antenna was a dipole (G5RV) connected to an ELAD SDR FDM-DUO transceiver. Distance to SAQ is 1,083 km. Mni tnx to to the SAQ crew!
73 de Kjell, SM2FOB -
Christian Rausch
DeltagareCopied the 12:00 UTC transmission; reception was very clear, 488!
Location: Near Munich
Locator: JN58TBI was glad that my simple antenna worked very fine; just 5 turns of 26-wire flat ribbon cable (giving 130 wire turns) wound on a quadratic wooden cross (side length 80 cm) made of 2 old broomsticks.
Just connected the ends of the inductive loop antenna to the MIC input of my USB audio adapter, started the easy-to-use SAQ panoramic VLF receiver V094 and soon after I could hear the transmission.Thank you, SAQ team, well done, great work!
Christian DM1CR -
Andrea IW3IAB
GästSecond RX was nice, loud and Clear in JN55TI, My receiver works fine and I’ m happy !!!
Thanks SAQ !!!
’73 -
Steve Sykes
GästToo much QRN here in NY. Not a sound was heard at my location.
Steve KD2OM -
Claus Møller
GästWhat a wonderful experience to watch the live video transmission and listening via web (WebSDR). What a beauty this world heritage transmitter is.
Congratulations with the Aleanderson Day, the transmission and you great efforts on making it possible!
Best regards and 73
Claus Møller
DeltagareHi ,
Congratulations SAQ was very healthy and strongly received today in Lyon ( France).
Both transmissions where 589 dispite some disturbing QRN.
Receivers : HAGENUK RX 1001M 10 Khz to 30 Mhz , in the cw position with 100 hz filter.
” : SIEMENS E401 ” ” ” ” ” ” ”
Antenna : 5 meters (only) vertical on the roof.Thanks again for the Alexanderson association for the nice job done to keep the old machine in perfect working order.
All the best for you , yours, all members and the visitors.
73 de F6BNL (waiting impatiently the next transmissions).
Joachim Glueder DL1BIB
GästThis time I finally succeeded receiving SAQ with a crystal radio! Antennea was MiniWhip und BFO an old HP200D signal generator. SAQ was not very loud, but very clear (rst529) in the old magnetic headphone. It’s a great feeling that way…….
David Alloza
GästHi !
Nice reception in Grenoble ( France ) , +20dB above the noise level.
I use this antenna : http://david.alloza.eu/electronique/VLF/VLF_Active_aerial/VLF_Active.htmlHere is the sample : http://david.alloza.eu/electronique/VLF/VLF_Active_aerial/SAQ_2016_07_03.wav
David. -
Alexander Hahn
DeltagareHejhej from Karlsruhe/Germany JN49ea at 0840 (VVV DE SAQ) and 0900 (Transmission)
I received your transmission with three stations:
1. Flex 6500 and longwire RST 458
2. SDR-IQ and Grahn GS5SE with a power ferrite module RST 579
3. Siemens D2008 Level Meter and 100 kHz output into a WinRadio G305 with a homebuilt frame antenna RST 599I received a very good signal and was quite surprised that my homebuilt frame antenna and the Siemens D2008,
which is a measurement instrument and can be used as a receiver for VLF (200Hz!!!) to HF.
I’m very intersted in the second transmission today, which I will receive with new antenna and RX constellations.73, Alex DH2ID
Kjell Bergqvist
DeltagareNice reception in Boden, northern Sweden – Distance 1083 km
Listen to video:
73 de Kjell, SM2FOB
Dennis Walter
GästHello, we did it! My Son (11) and me (43) did for the first time and we are happy.
What do we need to do to get one of the nice QSL Cards by Post Mail?
Dennis -
GästWell received on the French Riviera close to the Principality of Monaco in JN33RV.
Thanks you for this great cw transmission.
Warm regards
jean claude F6eju -
GästFor me first message was negative in JN55TI with my homemade receiver, I think need some check…… I hope better in second transmission in the afternoon.
’73 de IW3IAB -
Antonín Roll
GästIn Czech super signal 599.
73 Tonda 🙂-
Knut Rothstein
DeltagareStrong signal this morning here in the middle of Germany.
Locator: JN49HR (between Frankfurt and Heidelberg)
2 x 20m dipole antenna (designed for the 80m band), simple bandpass filter 17 kHz, soundcard, PC with spectrum lab
Very good job from yourside!
Thank you.
Knut, DL1KRT
Martin Peters
DeltagareWell received here just west of Reading. Good work! Here’s a video….
Regards – Martin, G4EFE
Dave Smith
GästJuly 3rd 09;02 utc
Very strong signal here this morning. Well done.
Dave…G4DAX -
P-A. Asp, sm4inv
GästListening to tune up abt 8:51 UTC, july 3 -16: rst 529 in Torsby with 42 m LW and SRT str2000!
72/73 de p-a -
Thomas – DM3TG
I will not haven the opportunity to receive the transmission with own equipment at the 3rd of July.
I would love to have the chance to participate via webcam and a live-stream of the transmission.Finest greetings – 73
Thomas – DM3TG -
Giovanmaria Garavello
Deltagarehello people, what’s the procedure for visiting the radio station?
73 de I3GJJ -
Jesper Eklund
GästI’m interested in trying to build a crystal radio able to tune in on the low frequency, and would very much like to try to home in on the signals. I imagine the duration of the first transmission would be used up to locate the signal, and with some luck I’d be able to actually listen to the second one. But then I need to know when it’s supposed to be. Is that information available or do I need to wait for the detailed schedule? (I’m planning a trip that might be on July 3:rd, nothing decided yet, and would like to know before I need to make definite arrangements.)
Gerhard Kreuzer
Maybe we can have remainder mails once a day or some Newsletter?With best regards
Juergen Brustat DL2JMB
GästOn July 2 an 3, 2016 there will be a field day at the Astropeiler Stockert, Germany.
On Saturday they plan to demonstrate how to build a morse decoder with Arduino + display.
My idea is to use this decoder for receiving SAQ on Sunday.It would be e real great event to have a combined acoustical and Arduino decoding
plus “public viewing” via a WEBCAM.
Can it be done ??? Think it over !
juergen dl2jmb