Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Christmass transmission 2021

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  • #9369 Svara
    Uwe Kraaz

    Dear friends,

    at 24.12. was the test transmission (to the official transmission before) successful (please hear the file here).

    The official transmission was not so successful, I had heard o lot of ca. 10 sign’s, they was ever quieter . . .

    The OM DK5FA in 15 km distanz from here has a similar result.

    My equipment :

    – diy VLF-Loop ca. 80 cm diameter (50 wires shieldet)

    – soundcard with SAQ.exe V094


    VLF – Converter (kit from “Funkamateur”) with Belka-DSP-receiver


    diy ferrit-antenna 160 mm (russian ferrit, Zn-Mn (?) )

    The loop is very better as the ferrit – antenna, that has I also know.

    Today at 27.12. I had no heard a signal or others.

    Many thanks for the good working by the very old transmitter. I hope I can make a visite in Grimeton next year again.

    I wish all friends in Grimeton a good 2022, health and succesfully transmissions.

    Vy 73 de Uwe (DL5KU)

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