Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Christmass transmission 2021

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  • #9369 Svara
    Uwe KraazUwe Kraaz

    Dear friends,

    at 24.12. was the test transmission (to the official transmission before) successful (please hear the file here).

    The official transmission was not so successful, I had heard o lot of ca. 10 sign’s, they was ever quieter . . .

    The OM DK5FA in 15 km distanz from here has a similar result.

    My equipment :

    – diy VLF-Loop ca. 80 cm diameter (50 wires shieldet)

    – soundcard with SAQ.exe V094


    VLF – Converter (kit from “Funkamateur”) with Belka-DSP-receiver


    diy ferrit-antenna 160 mm (russian ferrit, Zn-Mn (?) )

    The loop is very better as the ferrit – antenna, that has I also know.

    Today at 27.12. I had no heard a signal or others.

    Many thanks for the good working by the very old transmitter. I hope I can make a visite in Grimeton next year again.

    I wish all friends in Grimeton a good 2022, health and succesfully transmissions.

    Vy 73 de Uwe (DL5KU)

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