Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Excellent SAQ reception in Kinloss / Scotland

  • Skapare
  • #3945 Svara
    Mark DammerMM0DQM

    I had excellent SAQ reception here in Kinloss / Northern Scotland.
    Antenna: DL1DBC “Etherprobe” active e-field antenna using a 500ml tin as aerial.
    Receiver: Tascam DR-40 Linear PCM Recorder with 96 KHz sample rate. This allows me to record without any “noisemakers” like computers in the room.
    Analysis: Sonic Visualizer and SpectrumLab running on Linux PC.
    Because of bad weather (storm and rain showers) I had to put the antenna inside in our living room. With all unneccessary electrical equipment turned off and all operated by battery still a very good signal.
    Tnx a lot and 73 from Moray / Scotland,
    MM0DQM, Mark

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  • Författare
    • #4026 Svara
      Mark DammerMM0DQM

      Here are my recordings of the SAQ xmas transmission:

      Raw data where recorded with the DR-40 recorder and then demodulated by using the SAQ receiver preset of Spectrum Lab.
      I tried to do some frequency measurements with the sample rate calibrated with other VLF stations.
      As a result I got 17.188 KHz

      Thanks for the great work you are doing to keep this unique system going.
      Happy Christmas and a good 2016!

      73 Mark

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