Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Extra SAQ transmission on UN-day 2015-10-15

  • Skapare
  • #3338 Svara
    Lars KallandLars Kalland


    There will be a transmission with the Alexanderson VLF alternator on 17.2 kHz on “United Nations Day” October 24th, 2015 at 10:00 UTC (12:00 local time).
    Start up and tuning from about 09:30 UTC.

    This time we do not require any QSL-reports and will not verify.

    There will be activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call “SK6SAQ”.

    Any of following frequencies:
    – 14.035 CW
    – 7.035 CW
    – 7.080 SSB
    – 7.050 PSK31

    QSL for SK6SAQ via SK6DK or SM-bureau.

    The radiostation is open to vistors 10:00-15:00 local time. No entrance fee.


    Also read our web site: http://www.alexander.n.se



Visar 17 svarstrådar
  • Författare
    • #3473 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: Radu / YO8SXX

      YO8SXX – amateur radio qth SUCEAVA-ROMANIA, loc. KN37CQ
      Reception report

      Date: 24.10.2015
      Frequency: 17,2 KHz
      Mode: CW
      UTC: start time 10:00, end time 10:09
      CALL: SAQ Grimeton Suedia
      Signal report: 579 / 599, slight QSB, loud QRN from artificial source

      Message received:

      vvv vvv vvv de saq saq saq……
      cq cq cq de saq saq saq
      this is grimeton radio/saq in a transmission on united nations day using the alexanderson 200 kw alternator on 17.2 khz ; the message is written by paskberg ii paskberg school in varberg . =
      ; understand the rep(?)ugees situation . not their choice , not their fault . refugees are an asset . refugees are also human beings . treat the refugees the way you want to be treated . all countries must help . war separates families . fight war , g ii not refugees . fight terrorism . learn to live with other cultures . eu (sn) everyone has the same value . help out , next time it could be you . =
      signed : world heritage grimeton and the alexander-grimeton veteranradios vaenner association a^r =
      info : we do not require any qsl reports on this transmission =
      de saq saq saq s^k

      receive and written by: Radu Chisalita/YO8SXX

      – This report includes attached audio files containing the recording of parts of the issue and the whole final message.
      – Receiving equipment: VLF converter 10-200 KHz to 10,01-10,2 MHz, yaesu FT1000 MP transceiver, inverted V antenna for 80 m amateur band, audio interface for PC recording.

      YO8SXX, op. Radu Chisăliţă (Radu)
      Str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 18A loc. Suceava RO720074 Romania
      Email: raduchisalita@yahoo.com
      See detail on http://www.qrz.com/db/yo8sxx

      This Report and attached audio files was sent to SAQ Grimeton Suedia

    • #3459 Svara
      Markus Bühlerdk9mbs

      In this day was the last interradio ham Meeting in Hannover germany.
      Most of North german Hans was Therese.

    • #3454 Svara

      I have received your transmission on 24-10-2015 and recorded the message on papertape almost faultless.
      Location: northern part Netherlands.
      Receiver: Skanti R5001
      Antenne: wire abt. 30 mtr. Mean height abt. 8 mtr.
      Morse inker: Modified ( inkwheel replaced by a felt-tip pen ) GNT (Great Northern Telegraph ) morse inker model1515
      73 de pe1dcf

    • #3450 Svara
      Juan Jose de OñateM0WWA

      Received SAQ here on west London, strong signal up to 40dB upon noise level. Recorded video clip and some pictures at http://www.m0wwa.co.uk/page/M0WWA_media.html

      Thank you for keeping transmissions along the years.
      Juan, M0WWA

    • #3486 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: OE3FFC, Franz

      Your fine transmission on the SAQ-UN-Day i must listen on web-sdr uni twenty, because i had big QRM/QRN from my neighbor. Sri. The sigs during the whole transmitting-time were fine with S 7.
      So i´m looking forward to your next transmission with the “old boy” with my new homebrew rig.
      Many thanks for all,
      de — . …– ..-. ..-. -.-. :))


    • #3471 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: G3JNB

      Very heavy static S9+60 covered most of the transmission this time. 100ft LW, VLF converter to FT2000.
      Disappointing but glad the Old Lady did her stuff again.

      73 Victor G3JNB>

    • #3483 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: OK1DSO , JARDA

      SAQ-UN Day Transmission very very strong S / N + 30 db, Receiving Mini Whip. PC and saqrx_exe, near Prague airport


    • #3480 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: Erik PE1NOJ

      Strong signal (RST 578)
      Eddystone VLF receiver and Mini Whip
      Zevenhuizen Netherlands

      Thank you Lars

    • #3469 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: RA4HGN

      Heard SAQ RST 579. My QTH Samara, LOC: LO53CF, QRB 2390 km, Setup:
      1. ANT – long wire 80 m
      2. RX – sound card PC
      3. Soft – GNU Radio

    • #3437 Svara
      Michael KraussMichael Krauss

      dear Friends

      I`m happy to be able to give you qsl about the today transmission.
      I heard the message here in Westerheim JN48TM
      with a Teletron TE704 military receiver feeded by an active whip antenna.
      nearly no QRM and a very strong signal of the alternator results in RST 599.
      Today signal had a very good SNR of about 35 dB.

      Greetings to all of you: “keep this holy mashine on running”

      vy 73 de DC1MAK
      Michael Schroeder

    • #3466 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: Bert, SM1CJV

      Heard the Old Lady with +28db over noiselevel,RX computer+soundcard,antenna half Square 10Mhz.
      73 de SM1CJV/Bert

    • #3464 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: Stig Linnarud, SM4EFQ

      Långbanshyttan 2015-10-24
      Har idag emottagit er sändning på 17.2 KHz ,
      RST 579, ngt QRM men annars stabil signal.
      TACKAR ! Vi höres. 73 Stig.

    • #3413 Svara
      Volker TympelVolker Tympel

      We copied a strong signal direct in the lecture hall of the institute of solid state physics at the university of Jena (Germany) with a resonant copper coil on the table, a EG&G 113 preamplifier and a Juli@-soundcard.
      Thanks for the transmission.
      Best regards Volker Tympel

    • #3477 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: DF7DJ, Bert

      Nice transsmission today. Copied very good in the near of Dormund with homemade converter and aktive antenna.

    • #3475 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Moved from comments: Hajo

      Very good and stabil signals and
      a very good message to all people of the whole world.
      Thank you dear Lars!

    • #3405 Svara
      Onno BakkerOnno Bakker

      Perfect Transmission

      Received with SAQrx (44.1 kHz) 30 db above noise level. without any qsb very strong solid signal in center of Rotterdam.
      Antenna 2×23 mtr dipol coupled open feeders 8mtr -dipol is toploding.
      interface build in audio x61 laptop coupled to microfon entrance (2 1n48 antiparallel 10nf condenser in serie to coupled feeders)
      And a good earth..

      Thank you again for keeping up the tradition.

      PS I recorded from 09.50 until the end.
      If somebody is interested I will send the wav file by “we transfer”.

      Onno Bakker pa0ono

    • #3402 Svara
      Juergen UrbigJuergen Urbig

      Tack så mycket för utsändningen. Signalen var utmärkt. Jag hoppas att lyssna igen på julaftonssändningen.
      Hälsningar från Chemnitz,

    • #3399 Svara
      Michael LippoldMichael Lippold

      TNX for the transmission today, I copied the signal very well here in Southern Germany (JN49sf) , up -95db / 30db over noise floor.

      Best 73s de Michael, DK3SML

Visar 17 svarstrådar
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