Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Technical Discussions Optimize the signal i received.

  • Skapare
  • #12700 Svara
    Eelco de GraaffEelco

    Hi, i was able to decode the message transmitted by SAQ 24-12-2024 (saq twente) and i also used my own receiver (saq opname).
    In the noise there is a signal but it is not good enough to decode with the gerke-decoder.
    Is it possible to improve the recorded signal in a way the gerke-decoder could decode the transmission?
    I have made the recording with audacity and the recording is named saq opname.aup3 and can be downloaded here.
    I am curious if the recording could be improved and how.

    Eelco de PD1EG
    More about the SAQ project at my blog https://www.fishfreak.org/sdr/

    • Detta ämne redigerades för 2 månader, 2 veckor sedan av Eelco de GraaffEelco.
    • Detta ämne redigerades för 2 månader, 2 veckor sedan av Eelco de GraaffEelco. Anledning: Improve text
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  • Författare
    • #12717 Svara
      Richard Williamsrich.g.williams

      PS I just had a look at your project file “saq opname.aup3” and unfortunately I can’t see any valid VLF there setting the waveform to spectral view. Looks like something has gone wrong and you are not recording VLF, should be frequencies up to about 21KHz. The spectral view should show several VLF stations with SAQ at 17.2KHZ but I don’t see any VLF stations in your file on the spectral view.


    • #12715 Svara
      Richard Williamsrich.g.williams

      Hi Eelco.

      Suggest you can have a look at Listen to SAQ Its on this site its on “SAQ in the ether” then “Listen to SAQ” and scroll down to the title “Reception using an audio editor”

      It shows how you can setup Audacity’s filter curve to pass a very narrow band of frequencies around 17.2 KHz then it shows how to shift the pitch right down to 750 Hz. Then you can hear the morse code.

      Then save the audio file and try it with the gerke-decoder.

      Hope that helps,


      • Det här svaret redigerades för 2 månader, 2 veckor sedan av Richard Williamsrich.g.williams.
      • #12725 Svara
        Eelco de GraaffEelco

        Hi, you’re right, I have done this with my previous recording, I will give it a try.

        • Det här svaret redigerades för 2 månader, 1 vecka sedan av Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ.
        • Det här svaret redigerades för 2 månader, 1 vecka sedan av Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ.
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