- Detta ämne har 1 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 4 år, 8 månader sedan av .
Thank you to the SAQ Grimeton team for an excellent transmission. Also great TV camera operator on Youtube. Strong signal in London. Station equipment: Long Wire antenna, Antenna Galvanic Isolator HS-100N from HerosTech for local noise suppression , VLF-LF-MF up converter Herostech HS-400, IF output 4MHz-4.5MHz. Flexradio1500 as IF receiver, GPS reference clock from Leo Bodnar and Power SDR 2.8.0 from KE9NS . Details about reception and station setup can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKZFpDfUwVU&feature=youtu.be
73 from Juan, M0WWA
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