Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ today

  • Skapare
  • #6237 Svara
    Jean MarieJean Marie F5VLB

    Received in Britanny France IN88IN with a double crossed loop, Spectrum Lab

    thank you for this opportunity to test the station. 73’s to you all

Visar 28 svarstrådar
  • Författare
    • #6436 Svara
      Adrian RawlingsAdrian Rawlings

      I don’t have LF equipment or antenna, but I wanted to take part in transmission at 8:45 1st July 2018.

      I used the SDR radio at University of Twente http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ [Maidenhead JO32KF]

      Received QSA with RST 559

      Thank you for keeping this significant part of radio heritage alive and well!

      Thank you University of Twente for providing this excellent facility!

      73 de m0ans
      nr. Milton Keynes, England [IO92NA]

    • #6298 Svara
      javier EA1HBX-NW SPAIN

      Signal Received in IN62BL -Pc- EMU tracker sound and miniwhip 1 mt-long coupled with audio transformer.Sinpo 23323 .
      Congratulations and thanks,
      Javi-EA1HBX -Spain

    • #6295 Svara

      Transmission of SAQ on 17,2 KHZ was received in CORFU island GREECE on May 1st 2018 using a converter and a inverted L antenna
      Signal strength was about 9 S units


    • #6294 Svara

      Transmission of SAQ on 17,2 KHZ was received in CORFU island GREECE on May 1st 2018 using a converter and a inverted L antenna
      Signal strength was about 9 S units

    • #6291 Svara

      I verify reception of transmission of SAQ on 1st of May 2018 on frequency 17.2 KHZ .
      Signal was weak but readable. Receiver used : Wandel Goltermann SPM-3 Selective Level Meter with long wire antenna

      SV1AYC Athens Greece

    • #6290 Svara
      Mariusz WyszynskiSQ5M

      Good signal 559 in KO02GE.
      I received this using ladder dipole antenna plus SDR receiver Elad.

    • #6289 Svara
      EB1LO, Nacho


      Very good copy the SAQ here today.

      Here, E-Field antenna + Sound Board + PC only.

      QTH: Lardero, North of Spain (IN82sk).


      73! EB1LO,Nacho

    • #6288 Svara
      Mark PA4M

      Good signal here in JO22OA. SNR up to 20dB above noise level. Some QSB
      It was my first attempt to receive SAQ with my homemade converter.
      Could copy all CW very easily.
      Looking forward to next transmission.

      YouTube video

    • #6285 Svara
      Stefano Canavesi


      This is my QSL for today’s transmission, 1 May 2018.

      Location: Comano, Switzerand.

      Distance from Grimeton: 1256 Km

      Receiver: one tube Colin B. Kennedy Mod. 110, produced from 1921 to 1925, covering all frequencies between 12,5 Khz to 2 Mhz. Power Supply: batteries

      Audio amplifier: Colin B. Kennedy Mod. 525. Power Supply: batteries

      Loudspeaker: Isophon Epsilon, high impedance, ca. 1930.

      Antenna: Chirio Mini Whip

      Much QRM because of low selectivity, but understandable.
      Perhaps this is the first QSL you receive, having used a receiver older than the transmitter?

      Youtube video clip:

      Best regards

      Stefano Canavesi

    • #6284 Svara
      Lutz DM1LM


      Very strong siganl in Magedeburg JO52TD. RX home breww, ANT: ferrit and frame.
      73 and I hope I hear SAQ in July.

    • #6283 Svara
      WN3V John

      Tried a CF Zepp, shielded loop, Beverage and active whip with 3 different receivers. Sorry but nothing heard @ FN10mn. Hopefully next time!

      Thank You for keeping this marvelous piece of transmitting history alive and well!

    • #6281 Svara
      Jan Smits

      Very Good reception in Holland at the first of Mai,location JO32IQ aerial is a miniwhip and receiver a Kenwood TS570D with a homebuild converter .73’s de PA0PFQ.

    • #6280 Svara
      Holger, DL1BLE

      received the transmission today in JO42KB with two rigs.
      – SO42 converter (to 10MHz), ant: 23m wire, Icom TRX
      – Mini Whip ant (leaned out a window), Rx: Teleton 704
      Copied every word=> R4 with both rigs.
      Many thanks to the SAQ crew
      73, Holger

    • #6279 Svara
      Vicente EA5YB

      Big signal near to Barcelona JN01xg. It’s the first time I try to hear SAQ. My receiver is an old Rycom. The antenna 28 m long wire. Thanksto SAW team for all.

    • #6275 Svara

      Nice signal from SAQ 17,2 KHz 20DB above noise but the most important for todays event was that I had the opportunity to watch live the station as well as to receive the VLF transmission the same time… QTH KM39gc Lesbos Isl.


      Alex SV8QG

    • #6274 Svara

      Good sig in JN69bd. Tnx fer Ur tremendeous
      Mni tnx to the great Alexander Team !!


    • #6264 Svara
      Costas SV1XV

      Received SAQ today in KM18UA with Perseus SDR receiver and HF vertical antenna.

      Good signal, also I noticed fine tuning the speed regulator during the setup period.

      Twitter post

      Sample screen capture

      73 Costas SV1XV

    • #6260 Svara

      Received south of Stockholm with Icom IC-R8600 and 4m vertical antenna on the roof. Weak signal, nothing on the meter and nothing visible in the waterfall.

      Watch Youtube video:

      Thanks for all the work to keep this amazing transmitter alive.

    • #6259 Svara
      Arnfinn LA4NJ

      Impressive signals at JO28UW today. Signal strength stable at -71 dBm, equal to JXN.
      SNR: 30 dB. Key up signal at -95 dBm.
      PC with SDRplay RX. Antenna: 6m vertical with 3 wire top load. Tuned to resonance
      with 373 mH inductor.

      73 de LA4NJ

    • #6257 Svara
      Wolfgang Schruff (DG3KAG)

      Received in JO30DT on longwire 23m, mit LW-Konverter von 0 – 500 KHz auf 10…10,500 MHz , Receiver FT 1000 auf 10018,1, mode CW.
      1.5.18 UTC 10:00 signal S4

      thank you for this opportunity to test the station. 73’s to you all

    • #6255 Svara

      QSL SAQ

      Signal was very strong and clear in Jn48.
      I used a QRP-Labs QCX with converter feeded by a tuned active ferrite rod antenna.
      I was impressed, that this rig beated my rig with E1800 in former receptions.

      73 to all de DC1MAK micha

    • #6253 Svara
      vera andre

      SAQ aujourd’hui (1er mai 2018). Le signal était d’environ. 20 dB au-dessus du bruit (avec une bande passante de 50 Hz, nécessité par le système électronique local qrm) ici pres de Lyon Message copié 100%. Incroyable est la clarté et la stabilité du signal en JN25IQ
      Salutations de ANDRE

    • #6251 Svara
      DL9BDM, Eilert

      Received here in the northwestern part of germany (JO33VF) with an SSB LAN-SDR, signal strenght was about -115 dBm (S 3 – 4). Message was complete readable (R4) with good tone. Antenna only a 3 meter vertical for shortwave, not tuned to VLF. I used this configuration with a homemade converter with SO42P IC, wich converts the signal to the 10 MHz range.

    • #6249 Svara
      Lutz HeinischLutz.H

      Many Thanks.
      Expectantly, I drove to a forest edge and set up my receiver.
      I happily heard the signs. It was again a highlight to experience the history of the radio and the result of your great work. Greetings from Jena, Germany

    • #6247 Svara
      Gerhard KreuzerGerhard Kreuzer (OE3GKC)

      Hi Folks
      works really good today. 20db above noise here in Austria at JN88bg. MidiWhip on a glass-fiber mast about 10m over ground and a PC with the SAQrx Software.
      Thanks to the crew for this great transmissen, hoping, there is more to come.



    • #6245 Svara
      iv3pvdGiuseppe iv3pvd

      12 uV in jn66hd, 80 meters delta loop, Singer Stoddart NMN-17/27


    • #6244 Svara
      Jaap PA0T

      Received in JO33JB on longwire and miniwhip and sm6lkm program. Abt 18 dB above noise. Tnx folks for the efforts you make!

    • #6243 Svara
      DL7BCA, Martin

      It was very exciting to listen to SAQ today (may 1st 2018). Signal was approx. 15 dB above noise (with 50 Hz bandwith, necessitated by local electronic qrm ) here near Karlsruhe. Copied message 100%. Amazing is the clarity and stability of the transmitted signal, and this with a technology dating from 1925! Congratulations and thanks to all members of SAQ who are keeping this remarkable station operational. Well done! Well worth it!

    • #6239 Svara
      Walter Barteczek DK8KV

      Received in JO30QU with R&S HFH2-Z2 antenna and STM32F429 Discovery Kit (program by I2PHD)

Visar 28 svarstrådar
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