Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ transmission 01-07-2018

  • Skapare
  • #6494 Svara
    Stefan Richter

    received the transmission very well, morse code starting at 10.21 MEZ german time. Signal: S7.0 up to S7.8, direction from my location, Kulmbach (Northern Bavaria): 350 degrees. Receiver: Reuter RDR50C, Antenna: Grahn VLF2 ferrite loop antenna and Grahn GSE-5 base module.

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  • Författare
    • #6568 Svara

      I received SAQ CW message on 1 -st July 2018 at 12:44 UTC
      QRG 17.2 KHz
      Winradio receiver G305 and Mini Whip
      RST report 4 4 3
      QTH Łódź City 51.781362° / 19.389248°
      Robert Baleja
      Callsign SP7RB
      QTH JO91QS67RM

    • #6565 Svara

      All three transmissions of SAQ on 17.2 KHZ were received in Athens Greece using Racal RA117 as a receiver together with Racal LF converter .
      Antenna was Mini Whip
      Signal was strong , almost equal to JXN on 16.4 KHZ in Norway

    • #6564 Svara
      Jiri, OK1CJN

      I have received 2 transmissions July 1,2018 :
      10:45 and 12:45 UTC. Both were well readable.
      Signal at 10:45 UTC was about 6dB stronger (20bd over noise), than at 12:45 UTC (14dB over noise).
      I used Miniwhip antenna, 320 m asl, audio input od Dell Latitude notebook and Rocky 3.7 software.

      Vy 73 de Jiri, OK1CJN

    • #6532 Svara
      Juan Jose de OñateM0WWA

      A few lines to confirm excellent reception of SAQ station on 17.2kHz on first July 201.
      Two short video clips available at http://www.m0wwa.co.uk/page/M0WWA_media.html
      Interesting to notice the frequency drift around 17.2 kHz while calibrating RPM of the alternator generator.

      73 de M0WWA

    • #6518 Svara
      Walter Schmidt

      Hello, was glad to received the 1045 utc SAQ cw transmission with 559 on Yaesu FT 897 and 599 on nooelec rtl-sdr RX.
      My Antenna :Mini-whip.
      My Upconverter: Ham it up v1.3

      My Location in Germany is FJ59JE, that is 40 Kilometers southwest of Nuremberg.
      vy 73 de Walter, DK4NF

    • #6514 Svara
      dj1wfWilfried, DJ1WF

      I confirm the clear reception of all three transmissions on July first in JO42SH, Leveste (14km southwest of Hannover) There was a lot of QRN, but SAQ was much louder. We met this day with ten people, 8 OMs and 2 unlis for our “SAQ-RX-Party”. Not all of them were present during all three transmissions, but not less than 5 people at the same time were present during finest and warm weather conditions. We used different equipment to hear SAQ. Homebrew VLF converters with internal FET preamplifier and following HF TRXes were used as well as two VLF Pocket RXes and also a receiver with ferrite Antenne. With all these receivers the SAQ signal was picked up well. Between the transmissions we had a barbeque and heard the broadcast signal from Radio DARC, a weekly radio transmission on 6070 kHz from 11.00 to 12.00 MESZ. with a homebrew tube receiver.
      The last transmission was a little bit weaker than the others, but still good to hear. I am not sure if the signal was weaker, or if the QRN was louder during the third ransmission. But in all cases we could hear the signals well. It was a great fun again to hear the old lady working and we are happy ant thankful you keep her running.
      Best wishes from all of us, we would be happy if there would be lots of other transmissions in the future.
      Vy 73 de DJ1WF, Wilfried from Leveste nearby Hannover

      If you want you can watch a short video from our SAQ RX Party on Youtube:

    • #6512 Svara
      s lloyd hughes

      I was glad and amazed to receive the 1045 utc SAQ cw transmission. I had only read about it a few days earlier.

      I followed the links on receiving SAQ from your website. Plugged in a USB sound card. A generic 7.1 FullHD 24bit/192KHz USB2 sound card. The same as the Diamond XS71HDU. The receiver software was SAQRx_0-98. I also downloaded Spectrum Lab.

      When I tried out the system the night before, with nothing connected to the line input of the sound card I could identify the station on 16.4 KHz, JXN. So I was hopefull.

      During the daylight hours it was obvious I would need an antenna. Not having a spare 3.5mm stereo jack connector, I used the supplied stereo jack to twin RCA phono plugs. A 50cm croc clip lead was connected to the centre pin of the White phono plug. With a random coil of wire connected at the other end. ( Approximately 30 turns 15 cm diameter 18swg (1mm) enamel copper wire ). Hooked onto my inside plastic curtain rail.

      Listening with headphones I was sure I could hear CW tuning and then the transmission. However listening to filtered noise can make you believe you are hearing morse code (CW). Holding the coil seemed to increase the signal levels and improve the signal/noise. But is not a subsitute for a properly designed antenna. If you have time, build an E-Field Antenna.

      Today I fed the received audio into the Spectrum Lab software. The resultant audio output, waterfall display and CW filter confirmed what I had heard was real. Even the sudden frequency drift, part way through.

      At the same time as the SAQ transmission the ISS (International Space Station) was flying overhead with a special transmission of SSTV signals. Celebrating Russian space achievements on the Station. I was also able to receive them with simple equipment.

      It felt like history being demonstrated. Radio Old and New.

      Congratulations to those present and for putting the station on the air. Hopefully in the future someone may be able to get permission to set up another VLF station to sent a reply.

      best regards

      73’s Simon GW0NVN N1XIH Barry UK IO81IJ

    • #6511 Svara

      QSL for the transmission on 17.2 kHz on 2018-07-01 08:45 UTC RST 459 about 40km south of Nürnberg (loc. JN59ld) using Boni-Whip antenna, up converter VLF to 50 MHz and Yaesu FT 897 as RX. Thank you for keeping the station alive! Best regards, Tom DL1NAW

    • #6509 Svara
      Henrik Witt-Hansen, OZ1CQT

      Received your 10.45UTC and 12:45UTC transmissions north-west of Copenhagen. Both transmissions was clear and undisturbed, estimated S7-9.
      The 10.45UTC transmission suffered a slightly lesser tone quality, with a bit of drift and chirp, but still clearly readable.

      Using a (low hanging) Longwire, soundcard and SAQrxV094.

      Keep up the good work!, Greetings from Denmark

    • #6508 Svara
      Elmar DL5JE

      I received two transmission at 10:45 and 14:45 with a good signal. Unfortunately, I’m still learning morse code, so that I could not fully decipher the message. Next time I’ll do better.

      vy 73 de Elmar, DL5JE.

    • #6503 Svara
      dm2spWolfgang Sprodofsky , DM2SP

      I have received your transmissions at 08:45UTC and 10;45UTC on 17,2 kHz with S7.
      My Rig FT897 , homemade VLF-converter (with tubes) 0…500 KHz —> 2000kHz…2500kHz , magn.Loop 55cm
      vy 73 es 55 Wolf , DM2SP

    • #6499 Svara
      Thomas Bertolf

      Empfangsbericht / QSL
      01.07.2018 10:42 MEZ auf 17.2khz / CW-Signal mit S7 in der Nord-Ostschweiz empfangen.
      RX: SDRPlay Ant: Homemade VLF Loop

      Greeting from Switzerland

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