Hem SAQ Forum SAQ transmission on UN Day Oct24th 2021 (NOT FOR QSL)

  • Skapare
  • #9205 Svara

    See here for details about the transmission event.

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  • Författare
    • #9231 Svara
      Hans – Peter Assmus

      Ich habe Ihre Übertragung am (24.10.2021) um 15 UTC mit RST 459 auf 17,2kHz QTH: JN49EB
      Karlsruhe noch gut empfangen.

      Meine RX Hardware für den Empfang:
      Rx – Antenne = MD3000DX Aktive Dipole – Antenne
      SOFTWARE = SDR Console v.3.1

      VY73 es 55 de H.- Peter , DF6IU

    • #9225 Svara
      Wolfgang Sprodofsky

      Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

      I have received your Transmission today (24.10.2021) at 15 UTC with RST 599 real on 17,2kHz on my QTH 13507 Berlin , loc: JO62PN .
      Also I received the test-transmissions two days before with the same result.

      My Hardware for your Station:

      Ant : End-Fed 24m grounded with many burried radials
      VLF-Converter : (0…600)kHz —> (2000…2600)kHz with Tubes , Home-made
      TRX : FT991A , Mode CW , BW: 100 Hz , Noise-Blanker on
      Decoder-SW : CW-Get

      vy 73 es 55 de Wolfgang , DM2SP

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