Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Who is allowed to key the transmitter?

  • Skapare
  • #6638 Svara
    Laurens VisserLaurens Visser

    Dear Alexander society,

    How do you choose people who are allowed to key the transmitter?
    Would it be possible to ‘buy’ time on the transmitter? Or does the swedish military demand that they can use the antenna almost 100% of the time?

    I’ve been interested in the Alexanderson alternator since i was 18. Back then, i built a direct conversion receiver with an ECH83 tube which sort of worked. Now (8 years later) me and a friend of mine are attempting to build a 1910’s-1920’s era transmitter of ourselves, and even a little alternator based transmitter using a stepper motor. Effectively becoming the new generation who still have an understanding of how the old technology works and can be replicated.

    But nothing beats the sound and smell of old machinery… If i was granted the opportunity, i wouldn’t doubt a second.

    Best regards,
    Laurens Visser PA3LS

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  • Författare
    • #6667 Svara
      Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

      Dear Laurens,
      First, we are sorry for our late reply.
      Currently we have two dedicated telegraphists, keying the SAQ transmitter on transmission events.
      We schedule two annual transmissions, one on Alexanderson Day, early July, and on Christmas Eve morning.
      In between, we do not make any transmissions, other than occasional tests.

      Let’s hope you will be able to complete your build of your transmitter in time for the coming Christmas Eve transmission.

      Kind regards,
      Fredrik / AlexanderSAQ

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