- Detta ämne har 3 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 3 månader, 3 veckor sedan av .
Hallo everybody,
In “The Book of Radio”, Charles William Taussig, 1922, pages 312-327
I found the following technical description of the receiving equipment for SAQ used in Riverhead, Long Island:“The incoming oscillations are received in circuits corresponding to their respective wave lengths and then, by a complex system of “traps,” are purified of all unwanted signals, including most of the static disturbances. They are then passed through three stages of radio-frequency amplification, then rectified by means of a special two-element vacuum tube which is part of what is called a “synchronous detector”, and finally through two stages of audio-frequency amplification”
Now my question:
Does anybody know the wiring diagram of the “synchronous detector”? You can send either a file or a link to ma my email address
dl4jwu@darc.de.Many thanks in advance
Juergen (DL4JWU)