Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ transmissions on June 30th, 2019 (NOT FOR QSL) Svar till: SAQ transmissions on June 30th, 2019 (NOT FOR QSL)

Gheorghe Balan

Yesterday I received for the first time the SAQ transmission.
The SAQ signal, here in Romania, Pitesti, KN24KU, was much better than expected for my all home made equipment : 599+ some statics, for the first transmission and 489+QRN for the second transmission.
My rig : VLF converter (based on the DL4ZAO VLF conv.), 14 MHz cw/ssb Rx, G5RV antenna (a kind of !).
Many thanks to the entire crew for these transmissions and for all their work,
73, Gigi, YO7GYQ.


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