- Detta ämne har 2 svar, 1 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 10 månader, 1 vecka sedan av .
Hi all, I just read that the antenna has been repaired! Congrats!
Now I’ll try to receive the X-mas broadcast on Madeira.
I’ll take an RF-Space SDRIQ receiver and a ML-200 active
loop antenna. As I’ve been to this hotel a few times I hope to
set up the loop on the balcony there.
Next year we’ll visit Sweden and will stop at Grimeton on our way
to Göteborg and the Vänern. I have been to Sweden 5 times for
sailing and fishing and love the country and the people.
Hejhej and Gob Jul!
73, Alex – DH2ID
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