Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions Reception Report Oct. 24, 2023 – Could Not Hear

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  • #10420 Svara
    Mac DeBusk

    Today was my first attempt at VLF reception, and I know I have a lot of locally generated noise. I hope I can resolve my station issues to better pick these signals up in the future.

    Location: EM96 (Virginia, USA)
    Antenna: Loop on Ground tuned for 160m
    Receiver: Computer soundcard with Airspy/SDRSharp
    Reception Report: Nothing heard

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  • Författare
    • #10421 Svara
      Christoph Gaessler DL6SEZ

      Hello Mac,

      please use the Reception Form on the main page for today transmission, also for no reception!


      Here reports, also no reception reports, don’t make any sense.

      Hints for reception: Use an active antenna like MiniWhip in adequate hight above ground, or an active loop and a good SDR Receiver and lower the bandwidth there to 100Hz. You should power everything by battery and keep out of rural areas if possible. So you might get a signal to hear 🙂
      Today in Germany it was, as “standard” with my equipment 18dB SNR at 100Hz bandwidth.

      73 de Chris DL6SEZ

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