Hem SAQ Forum SAQ Transmissions SAQ Transmission on May 1st 2018

  • Skapare
  • #6197 Svara
    Fredrik WiklundAlexanderSAQ

    The transmitter start-up will begin at 11.30 (9.30 UTC) and the transmission will begin on 17,2 kHz CW at 12.00 (10.00 UTC). You can also watch a live video stream of the event on http://www.alexander.n.se or on our YouTube channel.

    No QSL-cards will be given this time and no List of Reports will be constructed but we accept shorter Listeners Reports to e-mail info@alexander.n.se or post your report here in our forum.

    Fredrik /AlexanderSAQ

Visar 23 svarstrådar
  • Författare
    • #6293 Svara
      Bernd SchlieckerBernd

      Hello friends
      I have received the broadcast from 1 may 2018 on the Baltic Sea. On a sailing ship. The distance was not large with about 280KM. Coordinates: 55 ° 8’57.61 “N 9 ° 43’14.58” E. The receiver is a homemade. The box is a smal box. Antenna is a ferriteantenna, mixer is a direct mixer (with quartz). Power supply of a LiPo cell. I was very happy that my receiver worked well. The shema is simple. I expect the next broadcast near Berlin. Greetings and good luck

    • #6292 Svara
      Bernd SchlieckerBernd


    • #6278 Svara
      Markus LemkeMark

      my first attempt to receive the SAQ today. Signal was good but I expected it stronger.

      Antenna : shortwave beam 30/40m which works surprisingly good at VLF
      RX: homebrew converter + FT1000MP

      additional :
      German telegraph from 1880 (Gerb. Naglo, Berlin) to write the Morse code to paper strip

      Had a lot of noise here around 17 kHz, therefore the decoder was only able to deliver
      some fragments of the text but I could hear and write it down manually without big problems.
      Your signal was lower than MSF60 from UK, which is > 1000 km from here, much more than
      the distance to Grimeton.
      Thanks for your effort and the successful transmission today !

      Written by telegraph from 1880

    • #6277 Svara


      Good Signal (RST 468) in Wittenburg/Germany. Locator JO55MM
      RST 468

      RX: russian SW-Receiver “P-326”,
      VLF-Converter with NE602,
      Antenna: square Loop 110 cm dia,
      Decoder: Software “Fldigi”

      Big thanks to the SAQ team

      73 Axel

    • #6263 Svara
      Bob HoulstonBob Houlston

      Received RST 459 in UK.
      73 Bob G4PVB

    • #6262 Svara
      Kueffer Alexander

      Good evening, your shipment has worked perfectly again.
      My reception system:
      RX: Telefunken ELK639.
      Ant. Mini Whip.
      My long wire did not work QRM too big.
      RST: 4 7 9
      Thank you for your work on the transmitter.
      OM: Kueffer Alexander (HE9EFY).
      QTH: Solothurn JN37TE.
      Vy 73 Alexander

    • #6252 Svara
      Guy FernandoGuy

      Hej, Many thanks for your VLF transmission on 17.2kHz today.

      Strong clear signal here in London, UK.
      SNR: 21.2dB

      Looking forward to your next transmission.

      Best wishes,
      73 M0OOX

    • #6250 Svara

      Good reception in the Netherlands!
      Rprt: 579 in JO21MM (Goirle)
      My Rig:
      1 square m Loop (160m wire) 8m high
      500khz LPF filter
      600 ohm audio transformator 1:1
      Laptop on accu
      Spectrumlab with saqrcvr1.usr
      picture : http://www.weerenverkeer.org/PA0BFO/images/SAQ_01_05_2018.JPG

      73 Jan

    • #6248 Svara
      Janne SM5AKU

      CORRECTION to my earlier post:
      SAQ was -55 to -60 dB with noise floor at -80 dB.
      Sorry for mistake. My bad.

    • #6246 Svara

      Nice and strong in JO79KR

    • #6241 Svara

      Very good signal in JO92fg:

      Best 73 de Wald SP3UR

    • #6240 Svara
      dm2spWolfgang Sprodofsky , DM2SP

      Hello dear Team SAQ

      I have received your sigs with RST 577 in Berlin-Tegel , JO62PN.

      my equipment:
      Ant. magnetic loop 55cm dia.
      VLF-converter with tubes 0…550khz —> (2000…2550)kHz , home made
      TRX FT-897D , cw-filter 300Hz , DSP 60Hz

      73 Wolfgang , DM2SP

    • #6238 Svara


      no signal in rothenburg (east germany). Thank you for operating.

      Uli 48

    • #6236 Svara
      Dennis G8IMN

      Good signal here in the Midlands UK, IO92CN, using Airspy HF+ with a long wire antenna

    • #6235 Svara
      Axel Palluch DL2JAP

      Hallo Dear Team SAQ
      mni tnx for the good sigs!
      rprt 5/7/8 in East Germany, Loc. JO60it, qth Hohenstein-Ernstthal
      Equipment ICOM IC 7300, Daton VLF – Converter, Antenna Butternut HF9V
      vy 73
      Axel DL2JAP

    • #6234 Svara
      Dennis G8IMN

      Good signal here in the Midlands UK, IO92CN

    • #6233 Svara
      Janne SM5AKU

      QTH Vingåker JO79XB.
      Using the SAQrx program by SM6LKM and ten meter wire to mic input, sigs from SAQ was -25 to -30 dB with niose floor at -80 dB.
      Had strong QRM from what sounded as RTTY very close to 17.2 most of the time. Test transmissions before acctual message was very well readable when in the clear, but the message was hidden by the RTTY.
      73, Janne

    • #6231 Svara
      Bart LeeBart Lee

      Null result here in California (San Francisco). Thank you for operating again! Greeting to Ola and the crew! 73 de Bart, K6VK ##

    • #6229 Svara

      Signal strong and clear in JN73SN RX is a SDR Perseus.

    • #6227 Svara
      Kryss – F4GUK (Paris)

      A big thanks to the SAQ team for the work.
      CW Signal received near Paris, France with various antennas : Marconi “Lazy L” ( tuned for 136 KHz), Miniwhip, and my 160m dipole.

      I try to post a picture of the SAQ signal during antenna tuning :

      See you soon on air !

    • #6226 Svara

      well done guys.
      Signal (RST) was 535 in JN49BU. My receiving equipment: Airspy HF+ with SDR Console V3 and Mini Whip.

      73 Burkhard

    • #6225 Svara
      Carlos Mourato

      Hi good morning
      Carlos Mourato CT4RK from Portugal.
      Today (1/05/2018) transmission from SAQ Grimton on 17.2KHz was received in Sines – Portugal with 30dBuV signal streng. The RST was 559. No bad for a very active D layer at the moment.. My reception condictions was a receiver Rohde & Schwarz EK070 and an active antenna also R&S HE11. I had some QRM but signals from SAQ received without problem

      73 from CT4RK

      Carlos Mourato

    • #6224 Svara
      Raik DL9GKJ

      tnx for the good Signal. 594 in JO54TA.
      Vy73 Raik DL9GKJ

    • #6223 Svara

      Good job guys
      Signal was -105 dBm in JN36CE on my 18m vertical.
      RX is SDRplay with SDRuno software.

      73 Pierre

Visar 23 svarstrådar
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