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  • Författare
  • som svar på: SAQ Transmission on December 24, 2019 ( NOT FOR QSL) #7920
    Wolfgang FritzWolfgang Fritz

    Recorded in Northern Germany:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Wolf, DK7OB

    som svar på: SAQ Transmission on Christmas Eve, Dec 24, 2016 #5441
    Wolfgang FritzWolfgang Fritz

    Merry Christmas to everybody!

    I received SAQ for the first time today. Location ist Notherrn Germany near Hannover (JO52BJ).
    Receiver was a SDRPlay RSP1 SDR with gqrx 2.6 software on a Linux Notebook. Antenna was a home made PA0RDT mini whip active antenna.

    Signal report “by ear” was 579.


    Also thanks for the contact with SK6SAQ on 7035 kHz

    Wolf, DK7OB

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