Under radiostationens jubileumsår , ”100 years of communication”, bjuder vänföreningen Alexander in till en telegrafikurs för dig som vill lära dig att hantera morsenyckeln! Vi följer SK4SQ’s CW-kurs. Kursen hålls i ett av den gamla radiostationens konferensrum, ovanför sändarsalen. Inga
SAQ sent a Christmas message on Dec 24th
On a dark and damp Christmas Eve Morning with temperatures just above freezing, on Dec 24 2024, the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station opened its doors at 08:00 in the morning to receive many expectant visitors, well over a hundred
Stipendieutlysning: ”Arne Sikö prisar”
Syftet är att uppmuntra personer som visar anlag och intresse för elektronik och teknisk kommunikation såsom tele och radio. Även astronomi och fysik kan komma i fråga. Man kan inte söka priset själv, men vem som helst kan föreslå någon
SAQ to air on Christmas Eve Morning, Dec 24th 2024
On Christmas Eve morning, Tuesday December 24th 2024, SAQ Grimeton is scheduled* to be on the air, to send out the traditional Christmas message to the whole World, using the 200kW Alexanderson alternator from 1924, on 17.2 kHz CW. Program and
SAQ celebrated with centennial transmission
One hundred years ago, SAQ was put into service. On December 1st 1924, SAQ was put into commercial operation. The transmitter was started at 09:50 and was turned off at 13:30, a short first day in service. One hundred years
SAQ to air on Dec 1st centennial
On December 1st, 1924, the VLF transmitter, with call sign “SAQ” at Grimeton Radio Station, was put into commercial operation, with transmissions across the Atlantic ocean, to the receiving station at Riverhead and the replying transmitter station at Rocky Point,
Historisk eftermiddag vid Kungsbacka radiostation
Fredagen den 27 september, framför Kungsbackas gamla radiostation firar vi vår lokalhistoria med avtäckningen av en ny kulturhistorisk skylt. Detta händer Camilla Lugnet, VD på Världsarvet Grimeton håller invigningstal och berättar den spännande historien om det trådlösa samhällets framväxt – sett
Two successful SAQ transmissions on Alexanderson Day
Rainy skies and cold temperatures did not stop SAQ from airing on Alexanderson Day 2024. Close to 200 visitors at the radio station and over 700 viewers on the live YouTube broadcast were able to experience how the soon 100
Celebrate SAQ on Alexanderson Day 2024
Almost a hundred years ago, on December 1st, 1924, the long wave transmitter at Grimeton Radio Station, with the call sign SAQ, was put into commercial operation, with transmissions across the Atlantic ocean, to the receiving station at Riverhead and
SAQ Grimeton aired on Christmas Eve morning
It was a wonderful Christmas Eve morning at World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station with a bit of snow and 4 degrees below freezing. The transmitter hall opened at 8:00 local time and soon was filled with expectant visitors, well over