The Alexander Association welcomes all visitors to Alexanderson Day, Sunday, July 3, 2022, 10-16.After the pandemic restrictions of the last two years, we are happy to welcome all visitors again.Together with the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station, we will offer
Kallelse till årsmöte i föreningen Alexander
Medlemmarna i ALEXANDER-GVV kallas härmed till årsmöte tisdagen den 10:e maj kl. 18:00 i Sändarsalen på radiostationen i Grimeton. Förslag till dagordning: Mötets öppnande Val av mötesfunktionärer: ordförande och sekreterare Val av två justeringsmän Fråga om godkännande av kallelsen Fastställande
SAQ spread Christmas Joy on Christmas Eve morning, Dec 24th.
It was a wonderful Christmas Eve morning in Grimeton, Sweden on December 24th. A little bit of white snow on the ground and -4 C in the air – great conditions for a successful SAQ transmission. The pandemic regulations did
Important update – SAQ transmission scheduled for Christmas Eve morning, Dec. 24th
IMPORTANT UPDATE (2021-12-22):Due to new, harder pandemic regulations in Sweden, the Alexander association has decided that there will be no visitor activities on the radio station and the transmitter hall will be closed for visitors on Christmas Eve morning, Dec 24th.
SAQ Grimeton UN-Day Transmission on October 24th, 2021
On United Nations Day, Sunday October 24th, 2021, the unique and historical Alexanderson alternator in Grimeton Sweden, with call sign SAQ, is scheduled to send out a message to the whole world on 17.2 kHz CW. Program and transmission schedule:15:30 CET (13:30 UTC: Information
Föreningen Alexanders digitala höstmöte 2021
Årets höstmöte i föreningen Alexander Grimeton Veteranradios vänner, hålls den 22 september kl 19.00 och blir digitalt med anledning av rådande pandemisituation. Det betyder att alla medlemmar hälsas välkomna att deltaga via dator, surfplatta eller mobiltelefon. Endast styrelsen kommer därför
Two successful transmissions on Alexanderson Day 2021
The weather on Alexanderson Day on July 4th 2021 was sunny with temperatures around 25 C. Some approaching thunder storms, could be seen on the horizon. For the first time since the pandemic started, we were able to have a
Alexanderson Day 2021
The annual transmission event on the Alexanderson Day with the Alexanderson Alternator from 1924on VLF 17.2 kHz CW with the call sign SAQ, is scheduled for Sunday, July 4th, 2021.The Alexander Grimeton Association is planning to carry out two transmissions to the
Cancelled SAQ Christmas Transmission
As a result of the prevailing circumstances in our society, we unfortunately have to inform that the traditional Christmas Eve transmission with SAQ is cancelled. We find it sad to have to make this decision, but see it as a
SAQ Grimeton Transmission on October 24th, 2020.
On United Nations Day, October 24th, 2020, the SAQ transmitter in Grimeton will again send out a message to the whole world on17.2 kHz CW. Programme:On air & YouTube Live Stream16:30 (14:30 UTC): Startup and tuning of the Alexanderson Alternator SAQ.17:00 (15:00