Here is the final listeners summary report from the 12.00 UTC transmission on Alexanderson day, June 28th, 2015.
Many QSL reports from Alexander day transmission June 28, 2015
We are very happy to see all the QSL reports coming in from the transmission with the Alexanderson alternator, with call signal SAQ, on Alexanderson day, June 28th 2015. We have started the work to put together a report, which
Se SAQ sändningen på Alexandersondagen den 28 juni kl 12:00 UTC
Här är en video som visar och uppstarten av Alexandersonalternatorn, med anropssignal SAQ, vid 11:30 UTC den 28 juni, 2015, följt av utsändningen av meddelandet klockan 12:00 UTC. Varsågod och Njut!
Technical difficulties at Alexanderson day transmission 2015
Due to technical difficulties, the 9:00 UTC transmission on Alexanderson day June 28, 2015 was cancelled.